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  • 25 marzo de 2024
Image de la noticia

Este miércoles día 27 de marzo, David de Agustín del grupo de Neurobiologia Molecular, concretamente del grupo de Cristina Gil-Sanz (Neural Development) dará una charla con el título:

“Cdh2 and Afadin as regulators of neocortical development”

Será a las 9:45h al SALÓN DE ACTOS DE FARMACIA

Resumen de la charla:  

The neocortex is, in evolutionary terms, the most recent acquisition of the mammalian brain and accomplishes a wide range of crucial functions, including sensory perception, the elaboration of motor responses, language, reasoning or complex thought. To that end, it displays an extraordinary diversity of neurons and macroglia arising from telencephalic radial glial stem cells (RGCs) in a tightly regulated manner. When this process is defective, it can lead to neurodevelopmental disorders. Among the vast variety of molecular players involved in the control of neocortical development, cell-cell adhesion-related molecules have been described to be of great importance. In fact, the lack of some of such molecules, like Cdh2 and afadin, profoundly alters neocorticogenesis in mice resulting in aberrant proliferation of RGCs and macrocephaly. However, the underlying mechanisms and the consequences on mouse behavior remained unknown. In our lab, we have identified Cdh2 as a key regulator of Gli1-mediated Sonic Hedgehog signaling for proper neocortical development and unveiled social interaction deficits as a consequence of Cdh2’s and afadin’s absence. Together, our findings will help shed light on the understanding of the molecular principles governing neocortical development and reinforce the interest of cell-cell adhesion molecules as potential biomarkers of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism.

Os adjunto el cartel  con el anuncio 

Después habrá café como siempre al bar de Farmacia    
