The continuous development and professional and research empowerment of graduates in the different degrees in the field of education, social sciences and humanities, and specifically in the context of social education, requires a training offer that deepens new fields of interdisciplinary knowledge and offers conceptual and procedural tools that improve professional competitiveness and research capacity. The curriculum map offered in these degrees shows a wide range of knowledge related to the psychosociopedagogical training of the professional who will intervene in the projects and programs of the socio-educational intervention. But, this degree level training cannot prevent the treatment of socio-educational problems from being in many cases of little depth. Indeed, as has been pointed out from different analyzes of the social world, structural complexity is growing and the current phase of capitalism, previously focused on work and production, now shows new faces related to consumption, individualization or the precariousness of human bonds. Deregulation and economic globalization produce new forms of social and cultural relationship that are much more fragile and changing, and on this transitory and liquid reality (in the sense of Bauman) the view of the educator and the social educator has to place new questions, design new strategies and enable new forms of research and construction of socially and educationally useful knowledge. The master's degree in Education and Social Action is based, both from an academic and a professional point of view, on these new analytics and aims to interest graduates in new problems and cultivate the knowledge necessary to obtain adequate answers. The design of this master's degree focuses on the professionalization of socio-educational action, and simultaneously opens the door to research. This is a fundamental characteristic for graduates in social education, who since graduation have never had a direct and specific path in research. Parallel, is also an interesting proposal for graduates of other studies with more tradition (pedagogues, teachers, psychologists, social workers ...) who are in fact also developing their professional work in this area, which by definition is interdisciplinary. The proposed master, in addition, integrates the experience and work networks accumulated in the two own degrees that are linked and that have been developed in recent years in the Faculty, the diploma of Mediation in Socio-educational Intervention and the European master's degree in Analysis and Innovation of Social and Educational Intervention.