Basic Competencies:
CB1: Students will learn how to apply the knowledge acquired and their capacity for problem resolution in new environments within wider contexts (or multidisciplinary contexts) related to their field of study.
CB2: Students will be able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments from an information that, being incomplete or limited, includes opinions on the social and ethic responsibility related to the implementation of their knowledge and judgment.
CB3: Students will learn to communicate clearly and straightforward their conclusions, and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them, to specialised and non-specialised audiences.
CB4: Possessing learning abilities which allow them to keep on studying in a way that will be mostly self-directed and autonomous.
CB5: Having the knowledge and skills that provide a base or opportunity to be original in the development and/or implementation of ideas, often in a research context.
General Competencies:
CG1: Being able to work as a team effectively in their professional or research work, acquiring the ability to participate in research projects and scientific and technological partnerships.
CG2: Having the capacity for making quick and effective decisions in complex situations in their professional or research work, by developing new and innovative working methods adapted to scientific/research, technological or professional field in which the activity is developed.
CG3: Being able to access the necessary information in the specific field of matter (databases, scientific articles, etc.) and have sufficient criterion for its interpretation and use.
CG4: Applying critical thinking and reasoning from rational criteria.
CG5: Applying science from a social and economic perspective, promoting the transfer of knowledge to society.
CG6: Capacity for preparing, writing and presenting reports and projects publicly in a clear and coherent way, defending them strictly and answering satisfactorily to criticism originated by it.
Cross-disciplinary competencies:
CT1: Being able to access information tools in other areas of knowledge and use them appropriately.
CT2: Being able to assess the need to complete their training in scientific, historical, languages, computer science, literature, ethics, social fields and as a human, attending lectures or courses and/or performing complementary activities, self-assessing the contribution of these activities to a comprehensive training.
CT3: Capacity to communicate and disclose scientific ideas.
CT4: Taking on the ethical commitment and awareness towards environmental issues, regarding the natural and cultural heritage.
Specific competencies:
CE1: Being able to apply research experience gained in his own work in both private enterprise and public bodies.
CE2: Having the capacity for planning and managing the available resources, considering the basic principles of quality, risk prevention, safety and sustainability.
CE3: Be able to apply research expertise acquired in order to start the development of the research phase of a doctoral programme on issues related to biodiversity.
CE4: Showing intellectual concerns and encouraging the responsibility of learning itself.
CE5: Knowing and understanding in depth the nature of biodiversity and ecosystem relationships both now and in the past.
CE6: Knowing the nature of the fossil record in relation to the sedimentary process, bioestratinomic and fossildiagenetic stages of the process and mechanisms of fossilization.
CE7: Knowing and understanding the palaeodiversity of living beings, their ecosystem relationships and paleogeographic distribution achieved by the major groups of living beings throughout the history of Earth.
CE8: Knowing, understanding and drawing conclusions applicable to the present, about the biodiversity crisis, its causes and consequences under the Actualism.
CE9: Full understanding of the historic nature of the evolutionary process, both in its uniqueness and contingency aspects, such as those relating to compliance with laws of nature of all kinds and therefore necessary.
CE10: Knowing and understanding the biological events of the past, as well as zoning, in time and space, of the biota in order to establish the relative stratigraphic position of sedimentary rocks in several geographical areas.
CE11: Knowing and handling fluently divisions of geologic time scale, and biostratigraphic scales constructed from different groups of biota in the fossil record.
CE12: Being able to interpret environmental and ecological variables of the past from the study of the traces of organisms in the fossil record.
CE13: Knowing the nature of the stratigraphic record, its discontinuities, cycles and events, different types of sedimentary basins, the factors controlling its filling, the resulting three-dimensional geometries and stratigraphic correlations.
CE14: Knowing the fundamental principles of facies analysis, in continental depositional systems, transitional and marine, and the paleoenvironmental interpretation of stratigraphic record using fossil.
CE15: Collecting, representing and analysing data to interpret and develop geological maps and/ or other modes of representation (stratigraphic columns, geological sections, etc.) with a view to its implementation in reports, scientific publications or other results.
CE16: Knowing and understanding in depth the regional geology of Spain and surrounding areas, and in particular Valencia, knowing in detail the major palaeontology milestones represented in Iberian Peninsula and North Africa’s sites.
CE17: Understanding and skilfully managing fieldwork, laboratory and cabinet techniques for extraction, preparation, documentation, digital reconstruction, study and dissemination of microfossils and macrofossils.
CE18: Learning, developing and managing geo-referenced databases of elements of geological and paleontological record, and programmes of representation and spatial analysis of these elements.
CE19: Knowing and understanding the causes of climate change and proxies (study of diatoms, foraminifera, growth rings of trees, ice cores, current weather data, etc.) used for the characterization of past climates.
CE20: Knowing and understanding the basics of using microfossils and macrofossils for the characterization of geological deposits containing resources such as oil, gas, coal, peat, etc.
CE21: Knowing and understanding the legal basics of the EU, just like of Spain and its autonomous communities and the protection and conservation of the paleontological heritage.
CE22: Having a good grasp of the techniques used in museum management of paleontological heritage, highlighting success cases in the field of Paleontology within guided tours (Dinópolis, Catalan Institute of Palaeontology, Paleontological Museum of Elche).
CE23: Developing clearly and concisely, all kinds of reports related to official or professional palaeontology, (reports, grants, reports on heritage impacts, research projects, etc.)
CE24: Carrying out studies, applying the methods and techniques necessary to conserve and manage paleontological heritage.
CE25: Developing experimental skills in handling laboratory material and equipment in palaeontology.