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  • Fintech

    Should there be specific regulations for fintechs?

    16 september 2016

    We analyse different visions on fintech regulations. Should financial start-ups work under different rules to that of traditional banks even if they offer similar or identical services?

  • The City of London

    FinTech: What happens now with the City of London?

    28 june 2016

    London has made a strong effort to become the European capital of FinTech. Many start-ups, some Spanish, have found there the perfect place to blossom. But Brexit could neutralise many of its advantages.

  • Preinscripción

    ¿Cómo me matriculo en el Máster Qfb?

    8 march 2016

    En los másteres interuniversitarios los procesos administrativos previos a la matrícula pueden crear confusiones. Por este motivo, detallamos a continuación cómo organiza cada universidad sus preinscripciones respectivas.

  • Stress test

    Keys of the new European banking stress test

    4 march 2016

    European authorities will once again measure the banking sector’s resistance. A selection of the main banking firms will face the new EBA’s stress test. What changes on this occasion?

  • Enron

    De Big Five a Big Four: La desaparición de Arthur Andersen

    19 february 2016

    Hace 15 años se destapó el escándalo Enron. El fraude masivo en las cuentas de la energética se llevó por delante a la auditora Arthur Andersen, cuya reputación fue irremediablemente mancillada. Recordamos aquel episodio.

  • Bull-Bear Market

    Walking amongst bears and bulls: The animals of Wall Street

    11 february 2016

    The stock markets have originated a near-infinite number of colloquial expressions, used to describe in a simple their actors and inner-workings. Here we compile some of Wall Street's best animalistic references.