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  • Rating Agencies

    What is a rating agency?

    29 january 2016

    Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s….  We hear news about their ratings every few newscasts, but the average citizen understands little about their identity. Their opaque way of functioning has raised criticism and suspicions, yet few institutions or companies discontinue their services. Why?

  • Blackboard with a mathematical formula.

    Quants: The science of finance

    8 january 2016

    It has become the buzzword of the financial sector in the past few years. Everyone wants one: banks, investment groups, energy businesses, even betting houses. There are few of them, but on the shoulders of those few lies the behaviour of the global financial system, as it has done for over three decades. And alas, finance is often the last field of study they chose to follow. They are quantitative analysts: Quants.