The Master’s Degree in Basic and Applied Neurosciences was organised on the basis of the teaching period of the Doctoral Programme in Applied and Basic Neurosciences, which started back in 2001 and obtained the Quality Certification by the Ministry of Education ongoingly since 2003 (MCD 2003-00158), before its restructuring to the current Doctoral Programme in Neurosciences. This keeps the interdisciplinary spirit which is characteristic of modern research in Neurosciences, and as such includes teaching staff of different departments of the University of Valencia from the faculties of Biological Sciences, Psychology, Medicine and Pharmacy:
- Faculty of Biological Sciences: Department of Cell Biology, Department of Functional Biology and Department of Genetic
- Faculty of Psychology: Department of Psychobiology
- Faculty of Pharmacy: Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology
- Faculty of Medicine: Department of Anatomy and Human Embryology and the Department of Medicine
Moreover, external teaching staff from various research centres and hospitals participate in the teaching of the Master’s:
- Institute of Biomedicine of Valencia (CSIC)
- Principe Felipe Research Centre (CIPF)
- La Fe Hospital
The Master’s Degree in Applied and Basic Neurosciences was approved by the Governing Council of the University of Valencia on 29 November 2005. The proposal received the favourable report by the Valencian Committee for Quality Assessment and Certification (CVAEC) on 23 January 2006 and it was authorised for its implementation according to the Decree 44/2006, 31 March, of the Council of the Valencian Government (DOGV 5233 de 04/04/2006). Later, according to the regulatory changes introduced by the European Higher Education System, the Master’s degree was reviewed by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), and the official nature of the degree was agreed by the Council of Ministers on 4 June 2010 (published in “BOE” 28 June 2010).