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Students admitted in the MBA who don’t come from degrees of the area of business or business management, in order to achieve the learning outcomes we recommend them to take bridging courses. These courses are a maximum of 12 ECTS and they are no part of the programme of the Master’s Degree.
The bridging courses cover the following aspects: Business Management (2 credits), Financial and Management Accounting (2 credits), Economy (3 credits), Quantitative techniques (4 credits) and Law (1 credit).
The Academic Coordinating Committee will indicate to each of the admitted students in the programme, depending on their previous knowledge for studies or professional experience, and after analysing their CV, and where relevant, through a personal interview, which are the bridging courses they should take.
Such training will be obtained through the autonomous work of the student, exercises or development of papers, individual or group exercises, guided through tutorials done by the professors responsible of the subjects linked.