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Career opportunities

The Master's Degree in Business Management. MBA training enables the students to occupy directive positions in businesses and organisation in the management and the different functional fields, as well as to take initiatives in the creation of businesses.

We could find people with MBA studies in different departments and areas of the company developing tasks related to:

  • Business management and administration. It is necessary to have a multidisciplinary profile, both for the management of your company and working on a freelance basis.
  • Department management: human resources, finance, marketing, etc. Business development Advice and/or consultancy. Helping other organizations.
  • Project Manager. Developing business projects.
  • Communication and Marketing or Sales and Brand Manager.
  • Corporate finance.
  • Financial Manager.
  • Asset Manager

They can occupy positions at different levels such as:

  • Managers: General Manager; Director of Marketing, Logistics, etc. Places
  • Intermediate: Assistant to the Management, Head of HR, Marketing, Production, etc.
  • Technicians: Sales Consultant, Advisor, Analyst, etc.