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  • ¿Es viable la Renta Universal Básica?

    7 march 2017

    En los últimos meses, el concepto de la Renta Básica Universal ha dejado de ser un tema tabú, no solo en nuestro país, sino en todo el mundo. Algunos países como Finlandia, han comenzado a llevar éste asunto a la práctica. Desde el 1 de enero de 2017 y hasta 2019, el Kela, el Instituto de la Seguridad Social Nacional, distribuirá aproximadamente 560 euros cada mes a 2.000 finlandeses desempleados.

  • Five Economic Keys to Understand Spain’s 30-Years-Membership in the European Union

    15 december 2016

    ‘Spain contributes its knowledge as old nation and its enthusiasm as young people, convinced that a unity future is the only possible future for Europe. The ideal of European building is more valid than ever, because the demands of the current world -and even more of tomorrow’s world- impose it on us.’ Those were the ending words of then head of the Government, Felipe González, who gave a speech at the Spain's signature of the application for accession to the European Economic Community, on 15 June 1985. Some months later, in 1986, Spain made its accession to the EEC official.

  • impuesto sociedades reducción

    Las políticas económicas sobre el impuesto de sociedades durante la crisis

    27 september 2016

    La reducción del Impuesto sobre Sociedades tras el inició de la crisis ha repercutido en su aportación al PIB español. La mayor parte de países de la OCDE pudieron paliar las consecuencias, pero miembros como España o Grecia no se recuperaron tan rápidamente. 

  • desempleo juvenil

    Els joves estan cada vegada més disposats a emigrar per a millorar la seua situació laboral

    16 september 2016

    Un últim informe de la OIT reflecteix un pas arrere en el lleu progrés que s'havia registrat en les xifres de desocupació juvenil a nivell mundial en els últims anys. Aquest estudi destaca l'augment de la precarietat laboral i l'increment de la tendència migratòria entre els joves.

  • consecuencias ausencia de gobierno

    Economic consequences of the lack of a new government

    7 september 2016

    The caretaker government has limited powers due to an unclear legislation. In view of this situation, the major concern focuses in the economic field where the fears can have an impact in investment, employment and Spanish GDP growth.

  • calidad trabajo OCDE

    Spain is one of the countries in which the quality of employment is the lowest one among OECD members

    20 july 2016

    A recent report shows the changes in the quality of employment of member states of OECD, keeping in mind three aspects related to the work environment. Spain is one of the countries with the worst results, France is in the middle, and other countries such as Finland or Norway have the highest standards.

  • Los países más ricos no siempre son los que registran mejor calidad de vida y progreso social

    The richest countries do not always register a better quality of life or social progress

    15 july 2016

    Countries’ wealth and quality of life do not always move in the same direction. Some countries have high Gross Domestic Products but heir indexes on quality of life and social progress are very low.

  • 4 keys for a sustainable economic model

    5 july 2016

    The challenges that societies must face are configured by the current social and environmental context. The change towards a sustainable strategic model can solve these problems and mitigate its consequences.

  • The responsibility of the economy private area in the society

    1 july 2016

    One of the main objectives of private companies is the economic benefit of their activity. In the last years private companies are adapting their values and assuming a social responsibility in order to give the business consideration for citizens and environment.

  • Políticas económicas europeas que corren peligro tras el Brexit

    European economic politics in risk after ‘Brexit’

    24 june 2016

    The future of economic politics and existing Treaties are a great unknown while new relation between United Kingdom and Europe are delimited.