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Mauro Mediavilla is elected vice-president of the Economics of Education Association until 2023

  • July 12th, 2021
Mauro Mediavilla

At the conference of the Association of Education Economics (AEDE), held on July 8th and 9th in Zaragoza, Professor Mauro Mediavilla was elected as vice-president of the organisation with a mandate until 2023.

The lecturer from the Department of Applied Economics, who is part of the teaching staff of the Master's Degree in Economic Policy and Public Economics at the Universitat de València, was elected first vice-president of the Association of Education Economics (AEDE) at the 29th edition of the Economics of Education Conference, held at the University of Zaragoza last July.

AEDE was founded in 1992, and during its more than 25 years of existence, the association has been useful at least in the field of coordination, information and/or organisation of improvement activities among and for professionals, on the one hand, and in the training of specialists, on the other.

Mauro Mediavilla is a lecturer in the Department of Applied Economics at the Universitat de València, associate researcher at the Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) and member of the Research Group on Public Economic Evaluation (EVALPUB). He has been a consultant at the Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO), advisor in the Prometeo programme of the government of Ecuador and in the Spending Review project for Spain (Airef). He was part of the committee of experts for the review of scholarships in Spain that advised the Save the Children Foundation and collaborates on a permanent basis with the European Foundation Society and Education. He has more than 60 publications in indexed journals, books and book chapters.

Website of the Association of Education Economics (AEDE)