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Javier Andrés is Professor of Economics at the University of Valencia since 1991 and holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the London School of Economics where he has also been a visiting researcher at the Centre for Economic Performance. He has published numerous papers in scholarly journals and books. His research interests include economic growth and the labor market, fiscal and monetary policies, and the effect of financial frictions on the business cycle and macroeconomic stability. He currently studies the process of macroeconomic adjustment after the financial crisis in economies with high private and public debt and heterogeneous households and firms, as well as the economic and welfare effects of the digital revolution. 

Javier is research consultant on macroeconomic modeling for the Banco de España, member of the Advisory Board of AIReF (Autoridad Independiente de Responsabilidad Fiscal) and Fellow of the Spanish Economic Association. He has been managing editor of Moneda y Crédito, co-editor of the Blog Nada es Gratis, member of the board of several scientific journals and was the head of the Spanish National Research Program in Economics from 2000 to 2003. He has recently coauthored (with Rafael Domenech) two books: En busca de la prosperidad (2015, Deusto, Planeta) and La era de la disrupción digital (2020, Deusto, Planeta).


Selected publications

“Inflation and optimal monetary policy in a model with firm heterogeneity and Bertrand competition”, European Economic Review, Vol. 103, pages 18-38 (with P. Burriel).

“Structural reforms in a debt overhang”, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 88, pages 15-34 (with O. Arce and C. Thomas).

“Banking competition, collateral constraints and optimal monetary policy”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, vol. 45, pages 87-125 (with O. Arce and C. Thomas).

“Banking competition, housing prices and macroeconomic stability”, The Economic Journal, Vol. 122, 2012, 1346-1372 (with Oscar Arce).

“Money in an Estimated Business Cycle Model of the Euro Area”, The Economic Journal, 2006, Vol. 116, pages 457-477 (with J.D. López-Salido and J. Vallés)



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Dr. Dolores Añón Higón is Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Associate Researcher of the Social and Economic Behaviour Institute (ERI-CES) at the Universitat de València (UV). Before joining the UV in 2008, she worked at Aston University, and Warwick University. Dolores is an applied economist whose main research interest is to understand the drivers and impediments of productivity enhancement, with a particular focus on innovation, digitization, and internationalization strategies. She has published in Industrial and Corporate ChangeInformation & ManagementOxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Research Policy, Small Business Economics, among others. Her research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Research (currently as Principal Investigator); the UK Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC), the European Commission, the British Academy, the NESTA Foundation, and various government agencies including UKTI, and DTI, as well as local governments (Generalitat Valenciana, Manchester Independent Economic Review) and private sector (BBVA Foundation).

Five selected/recent publications:

  1. Añón Higón, D., Bonvin, D. (2023). Digitalization and trade participation of SMEsSmall Business Economics, In press.
  2. Añón Higón, D. (2023). The persistence and cross-persistence of R&D outsourcing: onshore and offshore strategiesEconomics of Innovation and New Technology, 32:8, 1087-1113.
  3. Añón Higón, D., Bonvin, D. (2022). Information and communication technologies and firms’ export performanceIndustrial and Corporate Change, 31:4, 955–979
  4. Añón Higón, D., J. Gómez, P. Vargas (2017). Complementarities in innovation strategy: do intangibles play a role in enhancing firm performance? Industrial and Corporate Change, 26:5, 2017, 865-886.
  5. Añón Higón, D. (2016). In-house versus external basic research and first-to-market innovations. Research Policy, 45(4), 816-829.

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Departamento de Análisis Económico Facultat d'Economia Campus Tarongers s/n Despacho 3D08

(9638) 28223


Dr. Pilar Beneito López is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics and, Associated Researcher of the Social and Economic Behaviour Institute (ERI-CES) at the Universitat de València. Pilar holds a Bachelor’s degree and a Ph.D. in Economics from the Universitat de València, and an M.Sc. in Economics from University College London. Her main research interests are in the areas of Applied Industrial Economics; Economics of Innovation; Economics of Education; Gender Economics, and Microeconometrics. Her work has been published in several scientific journals including Economics of Education Review, Journal of Industrial Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Oxford Economic Papers, Research Policy, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, among others. She has been involved in many national and international projects and has attended numerous national and international conferences and workshops.


Five selected/recent publications:


  1. Beneito, P.; Boscá, J.E.; Ferri, J. (2018): “Tuition fees and student effort at university”, Economics of Education Review, 64, 114-128.
  2. Beneito, P.; Rochina, M.E.; Sanchis A. (2017): “Competition and innovation with selective exit: an inverted-U shape relationship?”, Oxford Economic Papers, 69(4), 1032–1053.
  3. Beneito, P.; Coscollá, M.; Rochina, M.E.; Sanchis A. (2015) “Competitive Pressure and Innovation at the Firm Level”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 63(3), 422-457.
  4. Beneito, P.; Rochina, M.E.; Sanchis A. (2015): “The path of R&D efficiency over time”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 42, 57-69.
  5. Beneito, P. (2006): "The innovative performance of in-house and contracted R&D in terms of patents and utility models," Research Policy, 35(4), 502-517.




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Coordinador/a Curs

José E. Boscá Departamento de Análisis Económico Universidad de Valencia Avda. de los Naranjos s/n 46022-Valencia e-mail:

(9638) 28239


Dr. José E. Boscá is Professor of Economics at the University of Valencia and Associated Researcher at FEDEA. He holds the Advanced Studies Certificate in International Economic Policy from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (Germany) and a PhD in Economics from the University of Valencia. J. Boscá has been senior invited research fellow at the University of Kent and collaborates regularly as external researcher with the Spanish Ministries of Economics and of Finance, the Rafael del Pino Foundation and BBVA Research. He is coauthor of REMS and EREMS, two dynamic general equilibrium models that BBVA Research and the Spanish Ministries of Economics and of Finance use to simulate macroeconomic policies and to evaluate shocks hitting the economy. He has published numerous articles in well-known international scientific journals on economic growth, business cycles, regional economics and fiscal policies. Among others these journals include European Economic Review, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Economica, Oxford Economic Papers, Economic Inquiry, Journal of Regional Science or Regional Studies.

Five selected publications:

  1. Andrés, J.; Boscá, J. E. y J. Ferri (2016): ‘Instruments, rules and household debt: the effects of fiscal policy, Oxford Economic Papers, 68, 419-443.
  2. Andrés, J.; Boscá, J. E. y J. Ferri (2015): ‘Household debt and fiscal multipliers’, Economica, 82, 1048-1081.
  3. Andrés, J., Boscá, J. E. y Ferri J. (2013): “Household Debt and Labor Market Fluctuations”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 37(9), 1771-1795.
  4. Boscá, J. E., Doménech, R. y Ferri J. (2011): “Search, Nash Bargaining and Rule of Thumb Consumers”, European Economic Review, 55, 927-942.
  5. Boscá, J. E., Doménech, R., Ferri, J., y J. Varela (Eds.) (2011): “The Spanish Economy: A General Equilibrium Perspective”. Palgrave MacMillan. Londres (Reino Unido). ISBN: 978-0-230-284654.


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(9616) 25524



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(9616) 25061


Dr. Pedro Cantos Sánchez has a degree in Economics at the Universidad de Valencia (Valencia, Spain). He is Master in Transport Economics at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and doctor in Economics (with honors) at the Universidad de Valencia. Currently he is Professor of Economics at the Economic Analysis Department of the Universidad Valencia and researcher of the ERI-CES also of the Universidad de Valencia. His main research areas are the transport economics, applied industrial organization, liberalization and deregulation, and efficiency and productivity in transport markets. He has published numerous papers in prestigious journals as Transport Reviews, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Transport Policy, Journal or Transport Economics and Policy, Regional Science and Urban Economics, The Manchester School, Transportation, International Journal of Transport Economics, Economics of Transportation and Research in Transportation Economics. He has collaborated in 22 competitive national research projects (being Principal Researcher in 6 projects), in two European projects and a project for the World Bank. He has participated in 75 international and national conferences, and taught numerous seminars in prestigious universities and research centers.


Five selected/recent publications:


  1. Cantos, P. (2020). “A three-stage competition game in an air transport network under asymmetric valuation of flight frequencies”. Economics of Transportation 21 (2020) 100141 (jointly with O. Álvarez, R. Moner and J.J. Sempere). Impact factor: 1.750
  2. Cantos, P (2018). “The impact of scrappage programmes on the demand for new vehicles: Evidence from Spain”. Research in Transportation Economics (jointly with E. Gutiérrez and I. Mulalic), vol 70, 83-96. Impact factor: 1.798.
  3. Cantos, P. (2015). “The impact on port competition of the integration of port and inland transport services”. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Vol. 80, 291- 302 (jointly with O. Álvarez, R. Moner and J.J. Sempere). Impact factor: 2.952.
  4. Cantos, P. (2013). “Competition and horizontal integration in maritime freight transport”. Transportation Research Part E, vol 51, 67-81 (jointly with O. Álvarez, R. Moner and J.J. Sempere). Impact Factor 2013: 2.193
  5. Cantos, P. (2012). Evaluating European railway deregulation using different approaches”.  Transport Policy, vol. 24, 67-72 (jointly with J. M. Pastor, and L. Serrano. Impact factor: 1.541.


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Secretari/a d' Institut Universitari

(9616) 25427


Dr. María Feo Valero is Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Economics II (Estructura Econòmica), University of Valencia. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics by the University of Valencia. Most of her professional activity has focused on research in the area of transport economics: initially at the Valenciaport Foundation as R&D project manager (2004-2012) and then as assistant professor at the University Jaume I of Castellón (2012-2016) and, since 2016, as associate professor at the University of Valencia and Associate Researcher of the Institute of International Economics (IEI). Within the area of transport economics her work has focused on the modelling of the freight transport demand and the analysis of its determinants through advanced discrete choice models and stated preference techniques. She has collaborated in competitive national research projects and international projects and her work has been published in international journals of the area.

Five selected/recent publications:

  1. ARTICLE: Feo-Valero, M., Martínez-Moya, J. 2022. Shippers vs. freight forwarders: Do they differ in their port choice decisions? Evidence from the Spanish ceramic tile industry. Research in Transportation Economics 95.
  2. ARTICLE: Vega, A., Feo-Valero, M., Espino, R. 2021. Understanding maritime transport route choice among Irish exporters: A latent class approach. Research in Transportation Economics 90.
  3. ARTICLE: Martínez-Moya, J., Feo-Valero, M. 2020. Measuring foreland container port connectivity disaggregated by destination markets: An index for Short Sea Shipping services in Spanish ports. Journal of Transport Geography 89.
  4. ARTICLE: Vega, A., Feo-Valero, M., Espino, R. 2018. The potential impact of Brexit on Ireland’s demand for shipping services to continental Europe. Transport Policy 71, 1-13.
  5. BOOK CHAPTER: Feo-Valero, M., Vega, A., Vázquez-Paja, B. 2021. The Value of Time in Freight Transport. In: Vickerman, Roger (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Transportation. vol. 3, pp. 236-241. UK: Elsevier Ltd.


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Dr. Salvador Gil Pareja has a degree and PhD in Economic and Business Sciences from the Universitat de València (Extraordinary Award in both cases) and an MSc in Economics from University College London. He has done research visits at Fedea, the Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University, the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank and at several Spanish universities. He is author of twenty book chapters and more than 50 articles published in prestigious journals such as European Economic Review, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Review of World Economics, Review of International Economics, The World Economy or Oxford Economic Papers, among others. He was elected member of the board of directors and treasurer of the Spanish Association of Economics and International Finance (2005-2011), associate editor of the Revista de Economía Aplicada (2006-2016), coordinator of the Degree in Economics (2013-2015), head of the Department of Estructura Económica of the University of Valencia (2015-2021), and coordinator of the Double Degree in Law and Economics (since 2022). Moreover, he has participated in several teaching manuals and teaching innovation projects and he has received several recognitions and awards for his teaching.

Five selected/recent publications:

  1. Esteve-Pérez, J., Gil-Pareja, S., Llorca-Vivero, R. y Paniagua, J. (2023): “Has the euro paid off? A study of the trade-induced welfare effects of the EMU”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, forthcomming.
  2. Esteve-Pérez, S., Gil-Pareja, S. y Llorca-Vivero, R. (2020): "Does the GATT/WTO promote trade? After all, Rose was right", Review of World Economics, 156 (2), 377-405.
  3. Gil-Pareja, S., Llorca-Vivero, R. y Martínez-Serrano, J. A. (2014): “Do nonreciprocal preferential trade agreements increase beneficiaries’ exports?”, Journal of Development Economics, 107, págs. 291-304.
  4. Gil-Pareja, S., Llorca-Vivero, R. y Martínez-Serrano, J. A. (2008): “Trade effects of monetary agreements: Evidence for OECD countries”, European Economic Review, 52, págs. 733-755.
  5. Gil-Pareja, S. (2003): “Pricing to Market Behaviour in European Car Markets”, European Economic Review, 47, págs. 945-962. (Top 10 most requested articles at EER, 2003).


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(9638) 28353


Dr. Rafael Llorca Vivero earned a Bachelor degree in Economics (with distintcion) at the Universitat de València (Valencia, Spain), a Master Science in Economics (with distinction) at University College London and a PhD at the University of Valencia. He is now Professor of Applied Economics in the Economic Structure Department of the Universitat de València. His main research area of interest is in the ambit of International Trade. He has published in journals such as European Economic Review, Journal of Development Economics, Review of World Economics, Review of International Economics, The World Economy or Oxford Economic Papers, among others.


Five selected/recent publications:


  1. (2015) Regional export promotion offices and trade margins, S Gil-Pareja, R Llorca-Vivero, JA Martínez-Serrano, F Requena-Silvente, Review of World Economics 151 (1), 145-167.
  2. (2014) Do nonreciprocal preferential trade agreements increase beneficiaries' exports?, S Gil-Pareja, R Llorca-Vivero, JA Martínez-Serrano, Journal of Development Economics 107, 291-304.
  3. (2008) Terrorism and international tourism: New evidence, R Llorca‐Vivero, Defence and Peace Economics 19 (2), 169-188.
  4. (2008) Trade effects of monetary agreements: evidence for OECD countries, S Gil-Pareja, R Llorca-Vivero, JA Martínez-Serrano, European Economic Review 52 (4), 733-755.
  5. (2007) The effect of EMU on tourism, S Gil‐Pareja, R Llorca‐Vivero, JA Martínez‐Serrano, Review of International Economics 15 (2), 302-312.


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Coordinador/a Curs

(9638) 28356


Dr. Juan A. Máñez studied Economics at the University of Valencia (Degree in Economics) and at the University of Warwick (M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Economics). At the moment, he is Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics, and Associated Researcher of the Social and Economic Behaviour Institute (ERI-CES) at the University of Valencia. He teaches International Trade, Industrial Organization and Microeconometrics. His research deals primarily with the role of trade and innovation activities on manufacturing firms’ performance. He is also active in other research related issues, such as intangibles, firm survival, strategic decisions and experimental economics. The research work resulted in a number of publications (43 scientific publications, from which 32 are in JCR journals). He has been involved in 31 national (6 of them as team leader) and 3 international projects (3 EU projects and 1 World Bank project). He has attended around 130 national and international conferences and workshops.


Five selected/recent publications:


  1. Mañez, J.A., Mínguez, C., Rochina, M.E., Sanchis, J.A., 2019, Trading activities, productivity and markups: evidence from Spanish manufacturing, World Economy, DOI. 10.1111/twec.12892
  2. Mañez, J.A., Pérez-López, G., Prior, D. And J.L. Zafra-Gómez, 2016, Understanding the Dynamic Effect of Contracting Out on the Delivery of Local Public Services. Regional Studies, 50(12), 2069-2080.
  3. Manjón, M. and J.A. Mañez, 2016, Production function estimation in Stata using the Ackerberg–Caves–Frazer method. Stata Journal, 16(4), 1046-1059.
  4. Mañez, J.A., Rochina, M.E., Sanchis A. and Sanchis, J.A., 2009, The role of sunk in the decision to invest in R&D, Journal of Industrial Economics, 57(4), pp. 712-735.
  5. Mañez, J.A., 2006, Unbeatable Value low price guarantee: collusive mechanism or advertising strategy, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 15(1), pp. 143-166.


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(9638) 28784


Dr. Rafael Moner Colonques earned a Bachelor degree in Economics at the Universitat de València (Valencia, Spain), a Master of Arts in Industrial Economics with distinction at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) and, a Ph.D. in Quantitative Economics under the European Doctoral Programme at the Université Catholique de Louvain. He is Professor of Economics in the Economic Analysis Department at the Universitat de València. His main research areas of interest include industrial economics, economics of innovation, transportation economics, international oligopolies and competition policy. His publication record includes more than thirty papers in specialist journals such as Applied Economics, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Journal of Economics, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Review of Industrial Organization, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Southern Economic Journal, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Transport Policy, among others. He has supervised 6 PhD dissertations and 15 Master Thesis. He has participated in more than eighty international and Spanish conferences. He has participated in twenty five research projects. He is the research head of the research project “Transport, energy and R&D policies under imperfect competition and externalities” (ECO2016-77589-R) financed by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Madrid, Spain) to be completed in December 2019.


Five selected/recent publications:


  1. Alvarez SanJaime, O., P. Cantos Sánchez, R. Moner-Colonques and J.J. Sempere-Monerris, “A three-stage competition game in an air transport network under asymmetric valuation of flight frequencies”, Economics of Transportation, 21, 100141, (2020).
  2. Alvarez SanJaime, O., P. Cantos Sánchez, R. Moner-Colonques and J.J. Sempere-Monerris, “Rail access charges and internal competition in High Speed Trains”, Transport Policy, 49, 184-195, (2016).
  3. Mendi, P., R. Moner-Colonques and J.J. Sempere-Monerris, “Optimal know-how transfers in licensing contracts”, Journal of Economics, 118(2), 121-139, (2016).
  4. Moner-Colonques, R., J.J. Sempere-Monerris and A. Urbano, “Strategic Delegation with Multiproduct Firms”, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. 13,405-427 (2004).
  5. Moner-Colonques, R. “Cost Uncertainty and Trade Liberalization in International Oligopoly”. Journal of International Economics 45, 369-376. (1998).


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(9638) 28404



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Dr. Jesús Peiró-Palomino is Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Economics II (Estructura Econòmica), University of Valencia. He holds a PhD in Economics by the University Jaume I (Castellón, Spain). He has been Assistant Professor at University Jaume I (2016-2019) and visited the Aarhus University (Denmark, Fall 2013) and the Utrecht University (Netherlands, Fall 2017). His research interests are institutions and their role in economic development processes, especially at the regional level. He is also interested in the measurement of well-being and social progress, their spatial distribution and their evolution over time. His work has been published in several international scientific journals and he has also participated in different competitive projects.




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Dr. Francisco Requena Silvente is Full Professor in Applied Economics at the Universitat de València. He got his Ph.D. in Economics from the London School of Economics. He was Reader in Economics at University of Sheffield (2013-2016) and Assistant Professor at University of California, Davis (2008-2009). His main research area is Applied International Economics, with special interest in international trade and international migration. His work has been published in several scientific journals including Review of World Economy, The World Economy, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Small Business Economics, Regional Studies, among others.




Five selected/recent publications:




1.      De Lucio, Juan, Mínguez, R., Minondo, A, Requena, F (2020) “The granular and fundamental components of export specialization”, The World Economy, forthcoming.


2.      Martín-Montaner, J., Serrano, G., Requena, F. (2018) “Networks and self-employment migrants”, Small Business Economics, 51, 735-755.


3.      Gil-Pareja, S., Martinez-Serrano, J., Llorca, R., Requena, F,. (2015), “Regional export promotion offices and trade margins”, Review of World Economy, 151 (1), 145-167.


4.      Esteve, S., Pallardo, V., Requena, F. (2013) The duration of firm-destination export relationships: Evidence from Spain, 1997-2006, Economic Inquiry, 51(1) , 159-180.


5.      Peri, G. and Requena-Silvente, Francisco (2010) The Trade Creation Effect of Immigrants: Evidence from the Remarkable Case of Spain, Canadian Journal of Economics, 43(4) 1433-1459.




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Director/a Titulacio Master Oficial

Dr. María E. Rochina Barrachina holds a PhD and a Master’s Degree in Economics, both from University College London (The University of London). At present, she is a Professor at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Valencia. She is also affiliated to the Interdisciplinary Research Network “Social and Economic Behaviour (ERI-CES)” from the University of Valencia. She teaches International Trade and Microeconometrics. Her main research interests are in the areas of applied microeconometrics, applied industrial organization, applied international economics, the analysis of firm dynamics in innovation and internationalization strategies, firm productivity, and entrepreneurship. Her work has been published in several scientific journals including Journal of Industrial Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Oxford Economic Papers, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Industry and Innovation, Industrial and Corporate Change, The Econometrics Journal, Review of World Economics, World Economy, Small Business Economics, and Empirical Economics, among others. She has been involved in many national (Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology) and international projects (European Commission, BBVA foundation, and World Bank) and has attended around 150 national and international conferences and workshops. She has supervised 2 PhD Thesis and 18 Master Dissertations.

Five selected/recent publications:

  1. Máñez, J.A.; ROCHINA, M.E.; Sanchis, J.A. (2020): "Foreign sourcing and exporting", The World Economy, forthcoming.
  2. Beneito, P.; ROCHINA, M.E.; Sanchis A. (2017): “Competition and innovation with selective exit: an inverted-U shape relationship?”, Oxford Economic Papers, 69(4), 1032–1053.
  3. Beneito, P.; Coscollá, M.; ROCHINA, M.E.; Sanchis A. (2015) “Competitive Pressure and Innovation at the Firm Level”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 63(3), 422-457.
  4. Beneito, P.; ROCHINA, M.E.; Sanchis A. (2015): “The path of R&D efficiency over time”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 42, 57-69.
  5. Manjón, M.; Máñez, J.A.; ROCHINA, M.E.; Sanchis, J.A. (2013): “Reconsidering learning by exporting”, Review of World Economics, 149, 5-22.


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Santiago J. Rubio Jorge (Valencia, 1958) is full professor of the Economic Analysis Department at the University of Valencia (UV). Bachelor of Economics (1982) from the UV, he has a Master in Energy Economics from the French Institute of Pretoleum and the University of Dijon and a doctoral degree in Economics from the UV. During the course 1992-1993, he was a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of California at Berkeley and in 2002 was visiting the Economics Department at the University of Southampton. In 2016 he visited the University of Valladolid and GERAD in Montréal. In 2009, he was awarded with the National Prize Lucas Mallada in Economics and Environment awarded by the Spanish Government. From 2002 to 2005 served as Second Vice-President of the Spanish-Portuguese Association of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (AERNA) and in 2006 was elected member of the Council of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) and acted as its Vice-President from 2008 to 2009. In 2012 was appointed Head of the Department of Economic Analysis at the University of Valencia and in 2017 was elected as Incoming President of AERNA and appointed as President in 2018 until 2020.

Specialist in Environmental and Resource Economics, he has addressed different issues in this field among which it can be mentioned the optimal management of water resources, the analysis of environmental policy from a strategic point of view and mainly the stability of international environmental agreements. He has published more than thirty papers in national and international journals.  He has also served as referee for more than forty journals and from 2003 to 2015, he acted as Associate Editor of Economía Agrarias y Recursos Naturales Agricultural and Resource Economics edited by the Spanish Association of Agricultural Economics, and from 2013 to 2019 was Advisory Editor of Environmental Modeling & Assessment. At present he serves as Associate Editor of Environment and Development Economics a journal published by CUP in association with the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Selected papers

Rohrer, Anna Viktoria and Santiago J. Rubio (2024). "The strategic role of adaptation in international environmental agreements." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 14 (102938)

Martín-Herrán, Guiomar and Santiago J. Rubio (2024). "Efficiency-inducing policy for polluting oligopolists." Dynamic Games and Applications, 14, 195-222.

Borrero, Miguel, and Santiago J. Rubio (2022). "An adaptation-mitigation game: Does adaptation promote participation in international environmentalagreements?" International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 22, 439-479.

Rubio, Santiago J., and Alistair Ulph (2007). "An infinite-horizon model of dynamic membership of international environmental agreements." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 54, 296-310.

Rubio, Santiago J., and Luisa Escriche (2001). "Strategic pigouvian taxation, stock externalities and polluting non-renewable resources." Journal of Public Economics 79, 297-313.



PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Coordinador/a de Mobilitat

Facultat d'Economia, Departament de Estructura, Edifici Departamental Oriental, Despatx: 4F05 Avda. dels Tarongers s/n 46022 Valencia

(9638) 28350


Dr. Juan A. Sanchis Llopis is Professor in Economics in the Applied Economics Department of the University of Valencia (Spain). He is also affiliated to the Interdisciplinary Research Network “Social and Economic Behaviour (ERI-CES)” from the University of Valencia. He has an economic background, with a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Economics from University College London, the University of London. His current research area focuses on applied industrial economics, and in particular on firm strategic decisions such as the engagement in R&D activities or exporting or both. He has participated in several projects supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economics, Industry and Competitiveness and by the European Commission and the Valencian government. His publications include articles in the Journal of Industrial Economics, the Industrial and Corporate Change, the World Economics, Empirica, the Review of Industrial Organizationand the Small Business Economics, among others.


Five selected/recent publications:


  1. Mañez, J.A., C. Mínguez, M.E. Rochina-Barrachina and J.A. Sanchis-Llopis (2019). Trading activities, productivity and markups: Evidence for Spanish manufacturinga. World Economy. DOI:
  2. Expósito, A. and J.A. Sanchis-Llopis (2019). The effects of innovation on the decisions of exporting and/or importing in SMEs: empirical evidence in the case of Spain. Small Business Economics. DOI:
  3. Benito-Ostolaza, J.M., P. Hernández and J.A. Sanchis-Llopis (2016) .Do individuals with higher cognitive ability play more strategically?. Journal Of Behavioral And Experimental Economics. 64, 5 - 11.


  1. Sanchis Llopis, M.T., J.A. Sanchis-Llopis, A. Cubel and V. Esteve (2015). Total factor productivity, domestic knowledge accumulation, and international knowledge spillovers in the second half of the twentieth century. Cliometrica. 9, 209 - 233.
  2. Mañez, J.A., M.E. Rochina-Barrachina, A. Sanchis-Llopis and J.A. Sanchis-Llopis (2015). The determinants of R&D persistence in SMEs. Small Business Economics. 44, 505 - 528.


PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Coordinador/a de Programa de Doctorat

Dr. Jose J. Sempere Monerris earned a degree in Economics with honors at the University of Valencia, a Master in Industrial Economics with distinction at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) and a Ph. D. in Quantitative Economics (1995) under the European Doctoral Programme at CORE-UCL. He is Full Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Research Fellow at the ERI-CEs (University of Valencia) and Research Associate at CORE- UCL. He was a Visiting Associate Professor in the Strategy and Business Economics Division of the Sauder School of Business at the University British Columbia in Vancouver (Canada) from August 2010 to August 2011. During his PhD he got different scholarships from the Generalitat Valenciana, the College of Spain in Paris-Fundación Banco Exterior de España, and the Human Capital and Mobility Programme of the European Union (Currently Marie Curie Fellowships). His main research areas of interest include industrial economics, economics of innovation, transportation economics, networks and competition policy. He is co-author of more than thirty papers in specialist journals such as Applied Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Economics Letters, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Journal of Economics , Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Southern Economic Journal, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Transport Policy among others. He has supervised 4 PhD dissertations and 17 Master Thesis. He has participated in more than ninety international and Spanish conferences. He has been a member in more than fifteen competitive research grants financed by EU or National institutions or financed by Private institutions.

Academic IDs:

ORCID: 0000-0001-6759-2117
Researcher ID: E-6234-2016
Scopus Author ID: 6507343777

Selected publications:


  1. Óscar Álvarez-SanJaime; Pedro Cantos-Sánchez; Rafael Moner-Coloques, Jose J. Sempere-Monerris (2021) The effect of cooperative infrastructure fees on high-speed rail and airline competition. Transport Policy, 112, pp. 125 - 141 . ISSN: 0967-070X

  2. Pedro Mendi; Rafael Moner-Colonques; José J. Sempere-Monerris (2020) Cooperation for Innovation and Technology Licensing: Empirical Evidence from Spain. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 154(119976), pp. 1 - 7 . ISSN: 0040-1625

  3. Álvarez-San Jaime, Óscar, Pedro Cantos Sánchez, Rafael Moner-Colonques and Jose J. Sempere-Monerris (2016) “Rail Access charges and internal competition in high speed trains”, Transport Policy, vol. 49, pp: 184-195.
  4. Óscar Álvarez San Jaime; Pedro Cantos; Rafael Moner Colonques; Jose J. Sempere-Monerris. (2015) The impact on port competition of the integration of port and inland transport services. Transportation Research Part B-Methodological, 71(80), pp. 291 - 302 . ISSN: 0191-2615

  5. Óscar Álvarez San Jaime; Pedro Cantos Sanchez; Rafael Moner Colonques; José J. Sempere Monerris (2013) Competition and horizontal integration in maritime freight transport. Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, 51(5), pp. 67 - 81 . ISSN: 1366-5545 

  6. Óscar Álvarez San Jaime; Pedro Cantos Sanchez; Rafael Moner Colonques; José J. Sempere Monerris (2013) Vertical integration and exclusivities in maritime freight transport. Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, 51(5), pp. 50 - 61 . ISSN: 1366-5545

  7. Mauleon, Ana, Jose J. Sempere-Monerris and Vincent J. Vannetelbosch. (2011) “Networks of Manufacturers and Retailers“, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 77, pp. 351-367. DOI:10.1016/j.jebo.2010.11.007
  8. Moner-Colonques, Rafael, Jose J. Sempere-Monerris and Amparo Urbano. (2004) “Strategic Delegation with Multi-Product Firms”, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy vol. 13 (3) pp. 405-427 Fall (2004).


PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Director/a Titulacio Master Oficial


PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Director/a Centre Documentacio Europea

Professor, Department of Applied Economics II, Office E07 INTECO Research Group University of Valencia. VLC/CAMPUS PO Box 22006 E-46071 Valencia (Spain) Voice: 34963828349 Fax: 34963828354 Visit my publications at

(9638) 28361


Dr. Cecilio Tamarit Escalona is currently Professor of Economics at the University of Valencia. He holds an endowed "ad personam" Jean Monnet Chair in European Economic Integration and is a member of the INTECO joint research unit ( He was previously Senior Fellow at the Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania), Senior Advisor at the Spanish Prime Minister's Office, Visiting Fellow (and invited professor) at the University of Nottingham, University of Goettingen, Harvard University and Robert Schuman Scholar at the Research Department of the European Parliament. His main lines of research are Monetary and Fiscal Integration and International Trade and Macroeconometrics. He has published extensively in academic journals as Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Banking and Finance, Economic Inquiry, Journal of Comparative Economics, Economics Letters, Journal of Macroeconomics or Economic Modelling.


Five selected/recent publications:


  1. Camarero, M., J. Sapena and C. Tamarit (2019): “Modelling Time-Varying parameters in panel data state-space frameworks: An application to the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle", Computational Economics, forthcoming. Impacto JCR Economía (2017): 1.038. Q2.
  2. Camarero, M., Gómez, E. y C. Tamarit (2014) “Is the ‘euro effect´ on trade so small after all? New evidence using gravity equations with panel cointegration techniques", Economics Letters, 124: 140-142. Impacto (2013): 0.451. Q3.
  3. Camarero, M., J.L. Carrion-i-Silvestre y C. Tamarit (2013): “Global imbalances and the Intertemporal External Budget Constraint: A multicointegration approach”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 37:5357-5372. Impacto (2013): 1.36. Q1 (Business); Q2 (Economics).
  4. Esteve, V. and C. Tamarit (2012): “Threshold cointegration and nonlinear adjustment between CO2 and income: The Environmental Kuznets Curve in Spain, 1857–2007”, Energy Economics, 34, 2148-2156. Impacto (2013): 2.58. Q1 Economics.
  5. Camarero, M., R.G. Flôres y C. Tamarit (2006): “Monetary Unions and productivity differences in Mercosur countries”, Journal of Policy Modelling, 28, 53-66. Impact (2013): 1.042. Q2. Clave: A.


PDI-Emerit/a Universitat

(9638) 28207


Dr. María Amparo Urbano is Professor of Economics at the University of Valencia, General Studies (UVEG). A former Fulbright Scholar, she got her Ph. D. in Economics at the University of Illinois, USA in 1989 and won the “Doctoral Prize” in Economics at the University of Valencia in 1990, for a second Doctoral Thesis on Market Games with Bayesian Learning. Professor Urbano has been Member of the Research Commission, Member of the Permanent Committee of Research of the and nowadays Vice-director of the Doctoral School of the UVEG. In the Department of Economic Analysis at the University of Valencia she has been serving as director of PhD studies and as director of “ERI-CES” (a Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Economics at the University of Valencia) since 2000 and 2006, respectively. She has also served to the Spanish Academic Community by being a member of the National Agency for Evaluation and Prospective in Economics (ANEP), member of the Council of the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, President of the Economic Spanish Association, and jury of the Pascual Madoz National Prize in Economics. Professor Urbano has organized many International Meetings on Game Theory and Applications such as the Summer Meetings en “Game Theory and Economic Applications” (Valencia-Stony Brook (USA)), 34th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), 2º Meeting on Game Theory in Brazil, etc., and has been Member of many Scientific Committees of the most prestigious Conferences on Game Theory. Professor Urbano research interests include Mathematical Microeconomics, Game Theory, Economics of Information and Industrial Organization. She has published around sixty papers, some of them in the most prestigious journals in the area such as, Econometrica, Journal of Economic Theory, International Journal of Game Theory, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Games and Economic Behaviour, International Economic Review, Economic Theory, etc. She has supervised several Doctoral Thesis, has obtained many Research Projects in public Spanish Competition and has been key Speaker in the most prestigious International Conferences and Seminars on Game Theory and Applications such as Stony Brook (USA), Paris, Jerusalem, Barcelona Jocs, Louvain La Neuve, etc.


Five selected/recent publications:


  1. “Identification of efficient equilibria in multiproduct trading with indivisibilities and non-monotonicity,” (with I. Arribas) Journal of Mathematical Economics, 79, pp. 83-94, 2018.
  2. “Learning in Markets,” Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Vol I, Cap. 17. Pp. 486–519. L. Corchón and M. Marini (Eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing, Febrero 2018.
  3. “Multiproduct Trading with a common agent under complete information,” (with I. Arribas) Journal of Economic Theory, 167, pp. 14-38, 2017.
  4. "Entry and espionage with noisy signals," (with A. Barrachina, Yair Tauman) Games and Economic Behavior, 83, pp. 127-146, 2014.
  5. “Computational Complexity and Communication: Coordination in two-player Games," (with Jose Enrique Vila) Econometrica, vol. 70, pp. 1893-1927, (2002).