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Open registration for the Shadowing programme for mentoring official master’s degree students to improve their employability

  • UV General Foundation
  • February 21st, 2022
Una joven estudia con el respaldo de un guía.
Una joven estudia con el respaldo de un guía.

The Shadowing Programme for the improvement of the employability of official master's degree students at the Universitat de València has opened the registration period until 28th February inclusive. In its second edition, it is aimed at students of 52 official master's degrees organised by eight centres and faculties of the UV, with the objective of accompanying and guiding them on their way to employment.

Shadowing is an initiative of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Employment and Training Programmes, through UVjob with the support of Banco Santander, which started last year as a pilot experience in six university centres with the participation of 40 mentors.

This year, the programme will come to more centres (a total of eight) and is expected to exceed forty mentors, professionals with recognised academic, economic and business careers who will collaborate selflessly with the aim of guiding and advising the mentored students ('mentees') on their way to employment and the development of their professional career through the transfer of experiences, knowledge and experiences generated by mentors.

Participation is free and students of the official master's degrees of the faculties of Biological Sciences, Social Sciences, Law, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Geography and History, Psychology and Speech Therapy, and the School of Engineering (ETSE) can register.

The mentees will receive the knowledge of their mentors, all of them prestigious professionals, to improve their employability and/or career development through at least three mentoring sessions starting next April in hybrid mode (online and/or face-to-face).

Registrations for Shadowing 2022 are open at this link where you can also find all the information about the requirements to become a mentee, the programme rules and the processing and awarding places dates.
