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UV ranked among the best universities in the world for economics students by QS

University of Valencia

The consultant Quacquarelli Symonds has recently published its World University Rankings for the 2015-2016 academic year. Once again, the Universitat de València has placed among the top 250 universities in a select number of fields.

7 de abril de 2016

In the field of Economics and Econometrics, the Universitat de València, headed by the Faculty of Economics, is placed in the 201-250 interval, while the Statistics and Operational Research discipline, encompassing both Economics and Mathematical studies, has been ranked in the 151-200 interval.

Taking into account Spanish universities only, the Universitat de València came eighth and sixth in the fields of Economics & Econometrics, and Statistics and Operational Research, respectively.

Notably, the Agriculture and Forestry discipline at the UV has been ranked among the top 150 in the world.

The QS World University Rankings were founded in 2004, and considers over 3,000 universities (out of which 800 are fully ranked). The rankings are heavily weighted by the “Academic reputation” of the institution. Academic reputation is measured using a global survey, in which academics are asked to identify the institutions where they believe the best work is currently taking place within their own field of expertise. The aim is to give prospective students a sense of the consensus of opinion within the international academic community.

For the 2015/16 edition, the rankings draw on just under 76,800 responses from academics worldwide, collated over a five year period. Only participants’ most recent responses are used, and they cannot vote for their own institution. Regional weightings are applied to counter any discrepancies in response rates.

Other factors taken into account are Employer reputation, Student-to-faculty ratio, Citations per faculty, International student ratio, and International faculty ratio. The full weightings and ranking criteria can be found here.

For more information on the QS World Rankings, head over to QS’ Top Universities website. A full review of the Universitat de València’s placement across several different world rankings can be found at the UV’s Analysis and Planning Service (SAP) website.