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Equivalence table MU2080-MU2240

Adaptation of Subjects1


Código titulación: 2080 Código titulación 2240
40149. The Spanish language and its applications. 12 ECTS.

44905. Spanish as a Foreign Language: New Perspectives. 6 ECTS.

44903. Language Consultancy: Proofreading and Forensic Language Analysis. 6 ECTS.

40154. Spanish dialects and sociolects: present and past. 12 ECTS.

44906. Historical Phraseology and Diachronic Networks of Spanish. 6 ECTS.

44907. The Spanish Language in America in Its Texts: Advanced Study. 3 ECTS.

44908. Linguistic Landscape. 3 ECTS.

40150. Spanish registers and discursive genres. 12 ECTS.

44904. Colloquial Spanish: Advanced Study. 3 ECTS.

44909. Latest Trends in Pragmatics. 3 ECTS. 

44901. Analysis of the Specialty Discourse. 3 ECTS.

44902. Linguistic Analysis of the Digital Discourse. 3 ECTS.

40152. Theory and methodology for hispanic linguistic research. 12 ECTS.

44910. Methodology for Hispanic Linguistic Research I: Theoretical Foundations and Use of Statistical Techniques. 6 ECTS.

44911. Methodology for Hispanic Linguistic Research II: Design of Corpora and of Academic Works. 6 ECTS.

40151. Instruments for advanced analysis of language and literature. 6 ECTS. 44912. Communication Tools, Techniques and Strategies in Spanish Language and Literature. 6 ECTS.
40153. External internships/work placements: Language. 6 ECTS. 44913. Internship: Language. 6 ECTS.
42318. Advanced critical literary and theatre studies. 12 ECTS.

44916. Theatre Reviewing and Dramaturgical Analysis. 3 ECTS.

44915. Canon and Contemporary Literature. 6 ECTS.

44918. Aesthetics and Ideology of Current Latin American Literature. 3 ECTS.

42319. Advanced historical literary and theatre studies. 12 ECTS.

44921. Erudites and Romantics in Action: Autobiographical Writing. 3 ECTS.

44917. Medieval Show, Drama and Paratheatre and Their Contemporary Staging. 3 ECTS.

44923. Popular Literature and Courtesan Literature in the Middle Ages and the Spanish Golden Age. 6 ECTS.

42320. New approaches and applications. 12 ECTS

44919. Gender Studies. 3 ECTS.

44922. Text Editing in the 21st Century: the Universe of Books. 6 ECTS.

44920. Digital Humanities. 3 ECTS.

42321. Theory and methodology for the research of hispanic literature and 
theatre. 12 ECTS.

44924. Methodology for Hispanic Literary and Theatrical Research I: the Writing of Memory in Spain and Latin America. 6 ECTS

44925. Methodology for Hispanic Literary and Theatrical Research II: Actors and Stage Practice in the Spanish Golden Age. 6 ECTS

42322. External internships/work placements: Literature and theatre. 6 ECTS 44926. Internship: Literature and Theatre. 6 ECTS.

1Due to the termination of the 2080 degree after the modification of the Study Plan approved by ANECA, which resulted in the new degree title with code 2240 that has been implemented since the 2019-20 academic year.