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Last days to pre-register for UV Master's Degrees for 2024-2025

Are you looking for more training? Do you want to achieve greater professional expertise and stand out in the labour market? You can acheive all of this by studying one of the UV’s 110 Master's Degree Programmes offered for the next academic year. The application process will be open from 15...

What is studied? Language Pathway

The subjects of the language pathway are structured around the following axes:

AXIS 1. Linguistic variation

  • Historical phraseology
  • Colloquial Spanish
  • American Spanish
  • Linguistic landscape

AXIS 2. Discourse analysis and pragmatics

  • Pragmatics: latest trends
  • Specialised discourse
  • Digital discourse

AXIS 3. Linguistic applications

  • Teaching Spanish as a foreign language
  • Linguistic consultancy
  • Prosody and speech analysis
  • Proofreading

AXIS 4. Methodology in linguistic research

  • Theoretical and methodological foundations in research
  • Design of linguistic frameworks
  • Use of statistical techniques
What is studied? Literature Pathway

The subjects of the literature pathway are structured around the following axes:

AXIS 1. Text publication

  • Ecdotic principles
  • From analogue to digital publishing
  • The universe of books

AXIS 2. Literature and performance practices in their socio-cultural context

  • Of the canon and the periphery
  • Theatre and the agents of representation

AXIS 3. Memory and identity

  • Literature and ideology
  • Writings of historical memory
  • Traumatic Historical Processes: Literary Imaginaries

AXIS 4. Cultural studies

  • Literature as a meaningful practice
  • Gender studies
  • Cultural products and consumption
External Internships/Work Placements

We see external internships and work placements as an opportunity to make initial contact with the professional world.

Work areas

Each year the offer is renewed and explanded. You can participate in internships/work placements related to:

  • Editorials
  • Libraries
  • The world of books
  • Cultural managment
  • Theatres
  • Linguistic consultancy
  • Expertise
  • Magazines
  • Teaching...

About the master

   Prospective students

  • Students with an official Spanish university undergraduate degree.
  • Student with a homologated higher education degree from a foreign institution equivalent to an official Spanish university undergraduate degree.
  • Degree/Diploma issued by a foreign higher education institution belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) which gives access, in the country of issue, to official master's degree courses.
  • Students from universities belonging to the European Higher Education Area who have yet to complete their Undergraduate Degree Final Project (TFG) and have no more than 9 ECTS credits to complete, can apply to this programme.

General admission criteria

   Our team

The members of our team are fully committed to teaching and research.
A wide teaching experience

  • Notorious pedagogical skills.
  • A great number of predoctoral and postdoctoral interns.
  • Involvement in the development of teaching innovation projects.

Acknowledged research trajectory

  • A high average of granted six-year research periods.
  • Leadership in outstanding research projects: one Consolider-Ingenio project, two Prometeo projects and multiple R+D+I projects from national and regional calls.

Teaching Staff UV

   Our methodology

We bring the best suited pedagogical approaches to the classroom to achieve excellent results.

  • Critical, active and collaborative learning.
  • Fostering of interdisciplinary dialogue. 
  • Coordination of the learning process at all levels.
  • Personalized attention. Monitoring of the progress in small groups.
  • Applied training. Real professional experience through External Internships or Work Placements.


The Master’s Degree in Advanced Hispanic Studies hosts a great number of students from different countries, as well as students that participate in the Erasmus programme.
The Universitat de València is actively involved in multiple international initiatives in the fields of science and technology. Particularly, the teaching staff of the Department of Spanish Studies, responsible for the teaching in the Master’s degree, conducts research in collaboration with international teams that work with the same lines of research, which favours the internationalisation of our studies.


Entry requirements
Pre-registration procedure
Academic organisation of the Master
Professional opportunities of the Master

Collaborating Entities

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