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Postponement of the Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Economics Masters’ Degrees

  • May 6th, 2020
Postponement of the Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Economics Masters’ Degrees

The graduation ceremony of the 16 Masters’ Degrees of the Faculty of Economics that we were organizing with so much love and enthusiasm for July 15 is, for the time being, deferred until the health emergency is over.

Although there are more than two months to go before the scheduled date, current assessments suggest that celebrating the graduation on the appointed day will not be possible. Even if a relaxation of the confinement would have begun in July, it does not seem that it is feasible to expect such an event, with so many people participating.

Considering that, with each passing day, the uncertainties regarding the details of a future relaxation of the state of alarm are becoming clearer, the Facultat d'Economia has agreed, in collaboration with the Palacio de Congresos as the venue where the event should take place, not to set a new date for the moment until it is certain that the ceremony can take place with all the sanitary guarantees and with the necessary capacity.

Pre-registration for the event is therefore closed until further notice and it will be opened as soon as the new date of the Graduation Ceremony has been fixed.

As for the graduation ceremonies of the Degrees, scheduled for the month of September, there is no guarantee that they will be held at this time either, although in this case there would be a certain amount of hope. However, given the circumstances, we consider that the most sensible thing to do is also to postpone the pre-registration as well until the date can be confirmed.

We are aware of the importance of these events and their significance for the entire university community, but we are also well aware of the high sense of responsibility that characterizes the entire Facultat d'Economia’s family. Now it is time to take care of ourselves. There will be graduation ceremonies for the 2020 course, we don't know when, but we will celebrate your academic successes, which are as well ours.