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Students of the Master’s Degree in International Business Management (iMBA) visit the Port of València

  • May 11th, 2022
Port of València

València is the port with the greatest connectivity in Spain, the fourth in Europe and the twentieth in the world. A group of iMBA students got to know first-hand the port infrastructure, its efficiency, connectivity and its importance in business competitiveness.

On Monday 9th May, a group of students of the Master’s Degree in International Business Management (iMBA) visited the port of València, considered to be the most important European port infrastructure in the Mediterranean.  

The students toured the facilities of the Port of València where, in addition to touring the southern outer harbour wall, they visited the northern extension to learn about the characteristics of the new north terminal, an infrastructure that will be an example of sustainability and respectful with the environment. 

The co-director of the Master’s Degree, Carmen Pérez Cabañero, tenured university professor in the Department of Marketing and Market Research of the Faculty of Economics, highlighted the opportunity for the Master's students "to learn first-hand about the operation of the Port of València, a key point in Spanish foreign trade, which offers a complete network of connections to the main ports of the world through more than 100 regular lines, including those of the main international shipping companies".

According to the latest ranking of world port connectivity drawn up by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), València is the port with the greatest connectivity in Spain, the twentieth in the world and the fourth in Europe.
