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Visit of the External Assessment Committee

  • March 21st, 2019
Image de la noticia

It will assess the Master's Degree in in Remote Sensing, the Master's Degree in Advanced Physics and the Master's Degree in Medical Physics.




The Universitat de València will receive the visit of the Committee, which will assess these two degrees in the framework of the renovation programme of university degrees’ accreditation.

The External Assessment Committee is appointed by the Valencian Agency of Evaluation and Prospective (AVAP). It is formed by four members from different Spanish universities. During the visit, the evaluators will examine the centre’s facilities where the degrees are taught and will also meet with different collectives involved in the degrees’ development: students, teachers, management teams, self-assessment teams, employers and graduates. Besides, it will take place a public hearing on March 22 from 12.00 pm to 1.00 pm at the Faculty of Physics. Any person interested and having not been interviewed previously can provide vision on the assessed master.