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Training activities (with its content in credits ECTS, its learning and teaching methodology, its relation to the competencies to be acquired by students):

Work placements, a total of 19 ECTs (475 hours), including:

A series of classroom activities, which are conducted in the professional centre and during the office hours, and a series of distance activities, including preparatory work and planning of learning content as well as understanding and development of the experience gained during the work placements period.

On-site activities (17.2 ECTS = 430 hours) including:

Tutorials, with a total of 1.2 ECTS = 30 hours. The functions of tutorials are: guiding the student in the activities undertaken at the Centre, giving support in developing monitoring activities conducted at the Centre, supporting in carrying out the placements report, offering training through seminars and courses.


On-site activity: tutorials

Activity Objective of the activity Hours
Orientation interview Information about their centre and other introductory issues 3
Intermediate monitoring activities Attendance at group or individual tutorials in order to monitor competencies acquisition 5
Development of the work placements report Attendance at individual tutorials to specify the development of the report 4
Attendance at seminars Delving into different topics related to their work placements 18

Competencies to deal with: 1, 3, 6, 7

The teaching methodology to use in the on-site lessons is: Lectures, group or individual tutorials, analysis of situations, cases and problems related to the place they occupy, and development of reports and public disclosure thereof.

Attendance at the work placements centre with a total of 16 ECTS = 400 hours. The attendance at the work placements centre includes various activities, such as regular meetings with the external tutor of the placements, developing and implementing the agreed programme of activities with both tutors.


On-site activity: Attendance at the work placements centre

Activity Objective of the activity Hours
Attendance at the opening session To specify the schedule, adapt to the work placements programme, visit the centre, ... 5
Regular meetings with the external tutor (company) Supervision of the tasks and monitoring and constant advice 20
Carrying out the work placements Development of the scheduled activities programme 375

All competencies are addressed.
The teaching methodology will include: monitoring of the activities, individual tutoring, analysis of situations, important cases and problems, and development of reports on assessment of cases.

Distance activities (1.8 ECTS = 45 hours) including:

Documentation of technical, methodological aspects, etc. related to the placements, preparation of activities and seminars, development of a field notebook and preparation of a final report.

Distance activity


Activity Objective of the activity Hours
Documentation Preparation of activities and seminars 15
Development of a field notebook Writing down notes and work experiences 5
Practicum’s final report and assessment reports on the practicum Summary of professional experience gained in the work placements and results in relation to the competencies 30