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What cardiovascular studies there are at the master's degree in Physiology?

The cardiovascular physiology is part of the compulsory module of the Master’s Degree in Physiology of the Universitat de València and makes a total of 7 ECTS credits.

21 january 2016

Cardiovascular physiology is one of the main parts of the Master’s Degree in Physiology and is divided in two subjects: ‘Regulation of the Circulation. The Role of the Endothelium’ and ‘Special Techniques for Cardiovascular Research’, which together account for 7 ECTS credits. It is one of the key subjects of this master’s degree and supposes one of the most advanced points of research of these studies.

•    ‘Regulation of the Circulation. The Role of the Endothelium’
This subject is based on the study of the endothelium as the centre of diverse pathologies that cause vascular problems, the latest advances that allow for knowing the mechanisms that intervene in the endothelial function and their alteration in the dysfunction. The presence of the endothelium in all these cardiovascular diseases use it as a key piece in their appearance and development, and this is on which this subject is based. The general objectives are the knowledge of the basic mechanisms that intervene in the regulation of the blood flow and the blood pressure, knowing the role of the main substances of endothelial origin in the regulation of the vascular tone and identifying the endothelial dysfunction as the base of the vascular alterations present in different pathologies. It accounts for 4 ECTS credits and is taught by José M Vila Salinas. You can access more information about it here

Fisiologia UV

•    ‘Special Techniques for Cardiovascular Research’
This subject will deal with the main available techniques to know the research in cardiovascular physiology, from cellular models, going through animal models to the research in human beings. The knowledge of the latest technologies applied to this field is the key of this subject, just as the possibilities and the limitations the current multidisciplinary techniques present. This subject is addressed to the research nature of the master’s degree, since its application depends on the laboratory work.  It consists of 3 ECTS credits and is taught by Carlos Hermenegildo Caudevilla. For more information, click here.

These subjects are within the subject of cardiovascular physiology, included in the compulsory module of this master’s degree. In this module theoretical and practical classes are combined to get the learning and management of the methodology and specific research techniques.

The knowledge of the new technologies and the experimental bases of the most innovative aspects applied to physiology is the key of this module, which consists of 30 ECTS credits and is the vital part of the Master’s Degree in Physiology of the Universitat de València. You can find out more on the complete studies of this master’s degree here