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The Master’s Degree in Physiology comes from the previous acquired experience of the teaching body of the Department of Physiology in the formerDoctoral Programme with Quality Award also known as “Physiology, from which it comes from and that started to be taught in the 1986-87 academic year, adapting to the guidelines of the Universitat de València, due to the regulations associated to the implementation of the new curriculums.

From the beginning, the Doctoral Programme in “Physiology” of the UV provided wonderful results in: the number of defended Doctoral Theses, Extraordinary Doctoral Awards, Thesis with European Mention, scientific publications derived from the Thesis in prestigious international journals, pre-doctoral and post-doctoral stays in international centres and current situation of the graduates, among other indicators (in fact, the received training allowed some of the graduates to enter Research Centres and Universities). The Department of Physiology had the opportunity to request in the academic year 1995-96, the Quality Award for the programme called Programma 190-A, obtaining such award and the corresponding aid by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Likewise, in the 2004-05 academic year it also received the quality award by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ref. MCD2004-00413) according to the Resolution of 22 June 2004 of the General Directorate of Universities and obtained the consecutive renewals. Currently it is a “Programme honoured with the Award for Excellence by the Spanish Ministry of Education.

With the changes in the regulations of Doctoral Studies, the studies that lead to the organisation of the Master’s Degree in Physiology were organised. This concerned the training of the current and future graduates who are interested in acquiring competences for the deepening in the process of learning Physiology and its research techniques. This is why, the implementation proposal of the Master’s degree was made to theComissió Valenciana d’Acreditació i Evaluació De la Qualitat (Valencian Committee for the Acreditation and Assessment of Quality) which favourably evaluated the proposal (Decree 31/2007 of 16 March, DOGV 21 March).

The first edition of theMaster’s Degree in Physiology took place during the 2008-09 academic year and in the 2012-13 academic years it received a favourable report by the AVAP. This experience brought us positive conclusions regarding the interest of the master’s degree for furute graduates.