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  • Les Maldives i Sri Lanka erradiquen la filariasis limfàtica

    Les Maldives i Sri Lanka erradiquen la filariasis limfàtica

    29 june 2016

    Les illes Maldives i Sri Lanka, al nord de l'oceà Índic, han aconseguit eradicar la filariasis limfàtica, en el que suposa un avanç significatiu de la secció de l'OMS per a la regió del sud-est asiàtic contra les malalties tropicals. Aquesta malaltia desatesa ha copejat a la població de la zona durant dècades i havia obligat als malalts a arrossega un estigma derivat de la discriminació i la pobresa.

  • Human Parasitic Disease Unit, re-elected by the WHO as a world benchmark in human fascioliasis

    4 march 2016

    The Human Parasitic Disease Unit of the Universitat de València has been re-elected by the World Health Organization as a Collaborating Centre (WHO CC) and a world benchmark in human fascioliasis, a pathology considered by the international organization inside the group of the called priority neglected diseases and which affects 17 million people

  • Un Nobel de Medicina para terapias contra la malaria y otros parásitos

    10 february 2016

    Las enfermedades causadas por parásitos han sido una plaga para los humanos durante milenios y constituyen un gran problema para la salud global. Los premiados de este año han desarrollado tratamientos que han revolucionado el tratamiento de algunas de estas enfermedades parasitarias.

  • El Niño and the Zika virus

    4 february 2016

    El Niño is an environmental phenomenon that occurs cyclically and will soon begin. Its effects, such as flooding, can be devastating global. Can El Niño have some effect on the Zika?.

  • The 14 most frequent question on the Zika

    3 february 2016

    The World Health Organisation (WHO) has announced that Zika infection is already an international public health emergency. In its site, it lays out and answers 14 questions on the virus. With this post, we aim at giving you all the information you need.


  • Climate change and infectious diseases in the appearance of the WHO expert Mas-Coma before the Sri Lanka Press

    16 december 2015

    The director of the Master’s Degree in Tropical Parasitic Diseases of the Universitat de València, professor Mas-Coma, as current President-elect of the World Federation, expert of the World Health Organisation (WHO), and director of the Collaborating Centre of the WHO and Centre of Reference of FAO-United Nations in Valencia, was in charge on Sunday of giving a press conference to some means of communication of Sri Lanka, on the occasion of its opening conference of the opening session in the “International Conference in Tropical Medicine”, which these days takes place in the city of Kandy, Sri Lanka.

  • Parasitic diseases and climate change in the ‘International Conference in Tropical Medicine’ in Sri Lanka, opened by Mas-Coma

    14 december 2015

    On Sunday 13 December opened the “International Conference in Tropical Medicine” organised by the University of Peradeniya in collaboration with the World Federation for Tropical Medicine in the city of Kandy, Sri Lanka. The professor Mas-Coma of the Universitat de València, in its quality of current President-elect of the World Federation, expert of the World Health Organisation (WHO), and director of the Collaborating Centre of the WHO and Centre of Reference of FAO-United Nations in Valencia, was in charge of giving the opening conference of this important event. This conference gathers experts from several countries of Asia and United States to discuss on the situation of various regions of the world, with special attention in the South of Asia.