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The kit detecting the GHB drug or liquid ecstasy, in a workshop of the University of Valencia

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • October 19th, 2021

The University of Valencia (UV) hosts from Tuesday, October 19and throughout the autumn workshops on chemical submission drugs in which the kit to detect the GHB drug or liquid ecstasy in beverages developed by the group MODeLic research will be tested.

The sessions will be held on all three UV campuses and also online for students from other universities. In order to enrol, you must answer this survey.

The Burjassot campus will host these workshops on October 19 at 4 pm and on December 16 at 10 am. In Blasco Ibáñez, the workshops will take place on November 17 at 4 pm and on December 15 at 10 am. Only one of them will be taught in the Tarongers campus, on November 4 at 10. The online sessions are called for October 25, November 10 and November 24; at 10, 16, and 10 am, respectively.

The workshops will last approximately an hour and a half and at the end, participants will receive a batch of kits that they can use themselves. Those who attend them online will be able to pick up the kit at an established point in their university or city. Obtaining the kit allows its use to meet the needs in real environments of end users who are, especially, young women.

GHB, also known as liquid ecstasy, is one of the most widely used drugs to achieve victim submission since it is colourless and imperceptible on the palate when dissolved in beverages. This detection kit has been developed by the MODeLiC research group, from the Interuniversity Institute for Molecular Recognition and Technological Development (IDM), which launched the NOSUM project together with the ScienceFlows group, both from the University of Valencia. The project has been funded by the Ministry of Health within the National Drug Plan.


NOSUM project:

