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Stimulating scientific vocations

The action Stimulating scientific vocations offers a catalogue of lectures on the most current research carried out at the University of Valencia, with the aim of increasing the scientific culture of the public and promoting scientific vocations. The lectures in the catalogue are available to secondary education centres and also to primary education centres, cultural centres, associations, foundations and interested local entities.

Each centre or organisation will be able to choose one lecture per quarter and, to request them, you must fill in the form on the page of each conference.

For organisational reasons we can only attend to requests that are within the Valencian territory.

This activity is subject to the availability of researchers and technical staff and, for organisational reasons, to the budget of this unit.

If you want to propose new topics for the lecture catalogue, send an email to indicating in the subject line: "new EVC topics"


  • From love to hate: a matter of noses

Carme Agustín

  •  Research and innovation needed to maintain welfare systems in Europe

Tamara Alhambra

Jordi Garcés

  • Research in Antarctica: science and coexistence

Antoni Camacho

  • What makes us human?

Pau Carazo

  • Discovering the Universe with Gravitational Waves
Isabel Cordero
  • Virus as an alternative therapy in the fight against multiresistant bacteria

Pilar Domingo

  • Epidemiological surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in waste water
Pilar Domingo
  • Statistics to defeat zombies
Anabel Forte
  • Parasites in food: creatures as tiny and unknown as they are evil

Màrius Fuentes

  • Archaeo-Chemistry: deciphering “MATRIX”

Gianni Gallello

  • The polyhedrons, prisms and other surfaces that no one will tell you about...

María García Monera

  • The addicted brain: what happens to the brain when it encounters drugs
Lucía Hipólito
  • Materials that came from space: round trip technologies

Rafael Ibáñez

  • Cyberpsychology: enigmas of the Psycology of the future
Amparo Luján
  • The egg or the chicken?: the eternal psychological dilemma of video games
Amparo Luján
  • Bad bugs, no drugs: microbial apocalypse in a world without antibiotics

Sergi Maicas

  • All full of light, looking for the night
Enric Marco
  • From the Galaxies to Big Bang
Vicent Martínez
  • Measuring the Universe. The Cosmic Scales
Vicent Martínez
  • Emerging viruses and vaccines

Luis Martínez Gil

  • Biotechnology: in your life, dialy
Emilia Matallana
  • Tradition and science in the art of wine
Emilia Matallana
  • From the sequence to the consequence

Ismael Mingarro

  • Taking advantage of the power of Evolution: 2018 Nobel Prize
Ismael Mingarro
  • The hijacked brain. Neuroplasticity, adverse experiences and mental illness
Juan Nacher
  • Anyone there? Searching for life outside our solar system
Andrés Moya Bedón
  • How to know the age of a star. A scientific story of challenges, imagination and magic
Andrés Moya Bedón
  • On the fifth centenary of Jerónimo Muñoz: mathematics, cosmology and humanism in the Renaissance era
Víctor Navarro
  • The construction of modern astronomy between Copernicus and Kepler
Víctor Navarro
  • Molecular electronics: generation of light and energy with molecules
Enrique Ortí
  • Pioneering women in space exploration
Amelia Ortiz
  • Darwin and the tree of life

Juli Peretó

  • Lynn Margulis: a revolution in evolution
Juli Peretó
  • The violent Universe
Manel Perucho
  • The giants of the Mediterranean
Toni Raga
  • Science, art and archaeology. Non-destructive analysis of artistic and cultural heritage

Clodoaldo Roldán

  • Rare diseases, rare researchers
Carlos Romá
  •  Yeasts: from bread to the laboratory .... deciphering the cell cycle
Cristina Ros
  • Deciphering mathematical tablets from Ancient Mesopotamia

Pilar Rueda

  • Is time travel possible? A special look into space-time
Pilar Rueda
  • The sustainable management of people in organizations: implications for the well-being of workers

Aida Soriano

Esther Villajos

  • Responsible use of ChatGPT in Education

Aida Soriano

Esther Villajos

  •  Magic diets and other lies for weight loss
Jose Miguel Soriano
  • Science in science fiction
Julia Suso
  • Women who revolutionized modern physics 
Mariam Tórtola
  • Astroparticles: a new window on the Universe
Mariam Tórtola
  • Measuring impossible distances
Avelino Vicente
  • The neutrino, the ghost particle
Avelino Vicente


measuring impossible distances The neutrino, the ghost particle



Stimulating scientific vocations is a project of the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of the University of Valencia, which has co-funding from the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology and the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Univesities.