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  • November 7th, 2023
The Ombuds Officer and her assistants with the Vice-Secretary of the UV, Andrés Boix.
The Ombuds Officer and her assistants with the Vice-Secretary of the UV, Andrés Boix.

The Ombuds Officer of the Universitat de València and her assistants attended the XXV National Meeting of University Defenders, which was held at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria from 25 to 27 October 2023. One of the lectures, “Relations of the University Defenders with the new channels and bodies for conflict resolution in the University”, was given by the Vice-Secretary of the Universitat de València, Andrés Boix, and was moderated by Belén Cardona, Ombuds Officer at the Universitat de València.

On 25, 26 and 27 October, the Ombuds Officer and her assistants attended the XXV National Meeting of University Defenders, which was held at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC). The opening ceremony was led by Mr. Fernando Clavijo Batlle, President of the Canary Islands Government; Mr. Lluís Serra Majem, Principal of the ULPGC; and Ms. Milagros Alario Trigueros, President of the CEDU. The first lecture, “Relationship between artificial intelligence and the actions of the University Defenders”, was given by Mr. Ricardo Vergaz Benito, Deputy Vice-Principal of UC3M Digital and Professor of the Department of Electronic Technology at the Charles III University of Madrid. The session of the 26 September began with the lecture “Collaboration between University Defenders and Social Councils, as a consequence of the exercise of competences described in the LOSU”, by Mr. Miguel Ángel Acosta Rodríguez, Secretary General of the Spanish University Social Councils Conference. This was followed by a talk on “compliance” in universities, given by Mr. Carlos Alberto Saiz Peña, President of the Association of Compliance Professionals (CUMPLEN) and partner of Governance Risk & Compliance at Ecix Group. In the afternoon, an ordinary and an extraordinary assembly were held, at which the CEDU presidency and Executive Committee were renewed. On 27 September, the Vice-Secretary of the Universitat de València, Mr. Andrés Boix, gave a lecture on “Relations of the University Defenders with the new channels and bodies for conflict resolution in the University”, and was moderated by Belén Cardona, Ombuds Officer at the Universitat de València. After the conclusions, a tribute was paid to the presidencies of CEDU. Finally, the closing ceremony was attended by the Minister of Universities; the Principal of the ULPGC; the Councillor for Universities, Science, Innovation and Culture of the Cabildo of Lanzarote; the President of the CEDU; and the President of the Social Council of the ULPGC.