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The Ombuds Office requests reports or asks for judgments which culminate with suggestions and recommendations to the relevant academic authorities


The Ombuds Office takes actions in front of problems that occur repeatedly in the university institution


The Ombuds Office guides and informs the members of the university community


Belén Cardona Rubert, Síndica de Greuges de la UV.
Belén Cardona, Ombuds Officer of the UV

According to the 234 Article of the Statutes of the Universitat de València, the Syndicate must look after the respect and guarantee of the laws and liberties of all the members of the university, that is, of the students, teaching and research staff and the administration and services personnel, before the actions of the different bodies of the university, even if there is not infraction of legality.

The Syndicate will thus identify the issues that affect these rights and it will make, when appropriate, recommendation to the correspondent body or service, proposing the right measures. The Syndicate may also take up a mediating role between the different people and groups of the university community, in the name of respect and the better composition of the rightful interests. All the functions of the Syndicate are directed to the improvement of the quality of the university and a better functioning of our Universitat.

Our task as defenders of the university is driven by the principles of independence and autonomy within the framework stablished by the States of our University, with no subjection to any command or instructions of any kind. Besides, the task of the Syndicate is carried out under the principles of objectivity, impartiality, neutrality and respect. It is the main duty of the Syndicate to avoid any type of discrimination or arbitrariness, as well as to react before inadequate or disrespectful behaviours against the members of the university, taking into account the confidentiality of our performance.

We are thankful for the trust placed on us and we encourage you to continue in the path of the good practices on our daily tasks in the Universitat. Should you have any inquiry or petition, we would be happy to respond.

Yours sincerely,

Belén Cardona Rubert




Adjuntem enllaç per a connectar-se a la I Jornada SIDUV del 26 de setembre en la modalitat en línia: Agraïm l'interés mostrat i esperem que la Jornada complisca amb les vostres expectatives.


Per l'interés suscitat es canvia la ubicació a l'Aula Magna de la Facultat de Medicina. La Universitat de València acollirà el pròxim 26 de setembre del 2024, en el Palau de Cerveró, la I Jornada de la Xarxa de Sindicatures de Greuges i Defensories Universitàries de la Comunitat Valenciana...



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