Faculty of Biological ScienciesUniversitat de ValènciaDegree in biology Logo del portal





Adaptation to New Degrees  +info  Adaptation application form ♦  Validation application form
Curricular assessment for marks compensation +info Curricular assessment for compensating assessments
Certificates and certified copies  +info  Certificate request 
Marks challenging  +info  Request through ENTREU 
Subjects programme  +info  Programmes application form 
Credits recognition  +info  Recognition form
Participation university activities recognition  +info  University activities recognition
European diploma supplement (EDS)  +info  Request through the Students’ portal
Doctoral qualification (R.D. 778/1998)  +info  Request to the Dean   Request to the Principal
Degree/Licenciatura and EDS  +info  Request through ENTREU  Degree delivery form
Credits transfer  +info  Credits transfer form
Academic record transfer  +info Application form through ENTREU


Adaptation to new degrees 


The licenciaturas in Biology, Biochemistry and Environmental Sciences are being phased out. In the academic year 2014-2015 these degrees will not have teaching, only exams dates, two calls for core or compulsory subjects of the fifth year  and the optional subjects of second cycle(the last). There will be no examinations for the subjects of the fourth year. Students with a maximum of 3 subjects of the fourth year can request, through the  Virtual Office of the Secretary, an extraordinary examination sitting (A single exam).  For continuing the studies in case of not passing this call  students have to request the adaptation to the new degree for the academic year 2015-16.

The adaptation is only done by the students’ request,  and implies the  closing of the academic record of the licenciatura ( simultaneous enrolment in the licenciatura and degree is not possible). The automatic adaptation of the subjects successfully completed in the  licenciatura which appear in the adaptation regulations can be consulted on the  following tables .

However, in the Degrees in Biology  and Environmental Sciences there are subjects that are not included in the automatic adaptation regulations but, which are susceptible to recognition (marked with # and listed in red in the adaptation table). For recognising these  subjects, the submission of the credits recognition form is required  along with  the adaption form. 

Moreover, the First Transitory Provision of the “Regulations for the academic recognition of cultural, sports, students representation, solidary and cooperative activities” states that up to 6 free elective credits of participation in university activities may be recognised.


Adaptation to the new degree in Biology table
Adaptation to the new degree in Environmental Sciences table
Adaptation to the new degree in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences table



Curricular assessment of the Degree students of the UV through marks compensation

The curricular assessment through compensation (regulated in the Regulations on curricular assessment of Degree students of the UV through compensation of marks) is an exceptional procedure which allow students passing the last basic or compulsory subject of the Degree studies through the assessment of the students’ work during all the academic years. The requirements are:


  •  To have studied in the UV at least 50% of the credits of the degree.
  •  Compulsory or core subjects. In the Degree in Biology the subject may be optional if is necessary for obtaining a mention.
  •  The last subject for completing the Degree, except the Degree Final Project and the Work Placements.
  •  To have sat 6 or 4 examination calls if it is a last year subject.
  •  To have a mark of at least 3,5 in some of the examination calls of the subject.
  •  To have an average mark of the academic record at the moment of the compensation equal or higher than 6.
  •  To submit the application form addressed to the Principal in the established deadline.

The extraordinary examination call can be granted only once (whether if this has been requested in this degree or any other degree of the UV) and never for the Degree Final Project or the Work Placements.


Deadline: A month from the completion date of the examination period set in the official academic calendar.


Certificates and certified copies

For requesting an academic certificate students should  submit (in person or by email) the application  and pay the fee for the certificate, if proceeds. The receipt will be hand in at the Office of the Secretary or send it by email.

For obtaining a certified copy that proves the authenticity of a document issued by the UV (for example, a degree or a school report card) the submission of the original document to be certified and a copy in the Office of the Secretary of the Faculty along with the application form is necessary. Then a receipt with the fee set by the Valencian Government will be issued.

For picking up the certificate and/or the certified copy students have to  provide the following documents:
1. The receipt with the bank seal proving that  has been paid.
2. The identity document (ID, passport, student card...)

When the applicant cannot attend personally, they could authorise to other person, who have to  hand in:

  • Authorisation sheet.
  • ID copy of the person represented.
  • Identification of the person  who carries out the procedure.


Exam grades contesting


The application form referred to in article 3 should be filled in through ENTREU


Subjects programme

Any person who has had opened or has open an academic record in any degree of the Faculty can request  the subjects programme of their curriculum.

To filled in the application form and to submit it at the Office of the Secretary of the Faculty or send it by email is compulsory.

The programmes  will be send by email digitally sealed.


Credits recognition

The recognition of credits  that have been obtained through official teachings in this or other universities can be requested. Likewise, the credits completed in other higher official teachings  and professional experience  certified can be also recognised provided that they are related  with the inherent competencies of the degree, according to the regulations of the UV.

For the study of the application forms and the incorporation to the academic record of the credits.,  the established fees will be set by the autonomous community.

The application form should be done during the enrolment  period.

The following documents should be submitted:

  • Credits recognition form
  • Academic Official Certificate
  • Copy of the curriculum sealed by the centre
  • Copy of the programmes of the subjects completed sealed by the department or centre. 

If the studies are set at the Faculty of Biological Sciences, students would only need to submit the application form.

For validating foreign studies students should submit a legal translation of all the documentation, authenticated through diplomatic channels (under the Hague Convention, where appropiate).


Credits recognition for participating in university activities

The  students can incorporate in their academic record up to 6 ECTS by participating in university, cultural, sport and students representation, solidary and cooperation activities, which have been developed in the UV during the university studies period, according to the UV regulations.
The list of activities proposed by the UV can be consulted on the website of the Students Service.
The recognition will be requested jointly and during the academic year in which students enrolled in all the credits necessary for completing their studies.

The  following  documents should be submitted:

  • Original  and copy of the certificates or diplomas to be incorporated.
  • Application form
  • Receipt of the corresponding fee, if proceeds.

To obtain the receipt you can present the certificate at the Office of the Secretary or to send the scanned copy by  email , indicating that the receipt is requested to incorporate the corresponding credits.


European Diploma Supplement (EDS)

The UV issues the European Diploma Supplement (EDS) to the students who have completed their studies after the entry in force of the RD. 1044/2003, laying down the procedure for its issuance by universities.
The European Diploma Supplement (EDS) is the document that accompanies each official university degree  and which is  valid throughout the country. With unified information for the whole Europe, customised for each university graduate, on their studies, the results obtained, the professional abilities acquired and the level of their degree in the national system of higher education.
The EDS is issued in three languages (Spanish, Valencian and English).
Their basic objective is to facilitate the recognition of the academic curriculum in companies and national and foreign  institutions.

The request is  made on the students’ portal.


Doctoral Degree (RD 778/1998)

Once  the official degree studies are completed, the person concerned can request the issuance of the corresponding degree.

The degree should be requested and collected  at the Office of the Secretary of the studies centre.

The  following  documents should be submitted:

  • Valid ID copy (or Passport).
  • Copy of the Degree. 
  • Birth certificate.
  • Receipt of the corresponding fee, if proceeds. The receipt  will be hand out at the Office of the Secretary.
  • Request to the Dean.
  • Request to the Principal.

The person interested should collect the ID at the Office of the Secretary.

When the applicant cannot attend personally, they could authorise to other person,  who have to hand in:

  • Power of Attorney
  • ID of the person represented. 
  • Identification of the person  who carries out the procedure.

If  the person interested lives in other autonomous community or abroad can request the shipment of the degree in the  Government Representation, Embassy  Consular Office of your residence. For the shipment of degrees the fees will be set by the autonomous community:

Shipments via Spain: 15, 00 euros
Shipments via Europa: 30,00
Shipments via other countries: 50,00 euros

The receipt may be requested face-to-face at the Office of the Secretary or by email and it should be attached once paid to the application form.


Degree/Licenciatura and EDS

Once  the official degree studies are completed, the person concerned can request the issuance of the corresponding degree.
The issuance of an alternative Degree certification,  can be requested while the degree procedures are on progress.
You can collect  in the Office of the Secretary of the centre studies. The fees  are set annually Decree of the Council.

The application will be submitted through ENTREU

The person interested should collect the ID at the Office of the Secretary.

When the applicant cannot attend personally, they could authorise to other person,  who have to hand in:

  • Power of Attorney
  • ID of the person represented. 
  • Identification of the person  who carries out the procedure.

If the person interested lives in other autonomous community or abroad can request the shipment of the degree in the Government Representation, Embassy Consular Office of your residence. For the shipment of degrees the fees will be set by the autonomous community:

Shipments via Spain: 15, 00 euros
Shipments via Europa: 30,00
Shipments via other countries: 50,00 euros

The receipt may be requested face-to-face at the Office of the Secretary or by email and it should be attached once paid to the application form.


Credits transfer

The credit transfer involves the incorporation of all the credits obtained through official teachings previously completed, in this or other university, which have not lead to the completion of an official degree, in the academic record or in the official academic documents supporting the teachings taken by each student, according to t he regulations of the UV.

For the study of the application forms  and the incorporation to the academic record of the credits. The established fees will be set by the autonomous community (currently the 25% of the price of the credit for Degree teaching). 

The subjects transferred don’t affect the calculation of the credits completed in the Degree or the average mark.

The request should be done through the enrolment period.


Academic record transfer

The people who have been admitted for taking the same  or other studies in other centre and/or university, without having completed the ones they have started at the Faculty of Biological Sciences, have to request the transfer of their academic record to the new centre. 

The application should be done through ENTREU

The fees are set annually by a Decree of the  Council.