Logo UVDegree in PedagogyFaculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences Logo del portal

Degree number of credits: 60

Compulsory credits: 23

Elective credits: 25

Final project: 12

Degree code: 2242

Years: 1

Teaching type: Presencial


Master degree website: https://www.uv.es/master-economia

Places available for new students: 15

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36

Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]:

Management Centre: Faculty of Economics

Languages used in class: English

Participating Universities: University of Valencia, University of Jaume I de Castellón

Academic Coordinating Committee: María Engracia Rochina Barrachia (Co-director)
Guadalupe Serrano Domingo (Co-director)
Dolores Añón Higón
Carles Bretó Martínez
Pilar Beneito López
Juan A Máñez Castillejo
Andrés José Picazo Tadeo
Empar Pons Blasco
Diana Talón Salvador (PAS)

Academic, scientific or professional interest: This Master’s Degree offers high quality training, combining advanced academicoriented economics teaching with a more specific focus on knowledge about markets organization, decision making of economic agents, and the international economy. The Master aims to provide students both with a broad and rigorous view of the discipline, and the analytical tools needed to carry out sound economic analysis. Successful course completion ensures students the endowment of the analytical and technical skills required for highly demanding jobs in international organizations (OECD, IMF, ILO, etc.), public policy institutions (Ministries, Central Banks, European Commission, etc.), private companies (including financial and consulting companies), research departments and universities. Students will also be equipped with skills in the use of relevant software programs such as MATLAB, STATA and R, among others. This Master is also highly recommended for candidates pursuing postgraduate education in our Ph.D. Programme in Industrial Economics or other prestigious doctoral programs in Spain and abroad. Master’s students will interact with teaching staff with an excellent reputation and with wide‐ranging research and teaching experience. Most teaching staff hold postgraduate degrees from universities of international prestige (London School of Economics, University of Warwick, University College London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, College of Europe, Université Catholique de Louvain, and University of Dijon, among others).

PhD programme linked to this Master’s programme: Doctoral Programme in Industrial Economics