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Mobility is critical in the achievement of the WOP-P Master goals, facilitating an excellent training of WOP psychologists and stimulating career opportunities of students. 
The different parts of the Master (with the exception of the Winter School) are delivered in all the European partners in parallel (Universitat de València, Universitat de Barcelona, Alma Mater Sutdiorum-Università di Bologna, Universidade de Coimbra). In addition, several non-European universities.
As general rule, the student must study at least 30 ECTS credits in two universities (30 ECTS credits in each of both universities) of different European countries of the WOP Consortium (Italy, Portugal and Spain).
If the student is granted with an Eramus Mundus grant, the two universities must be located in a country different from the country where the student has obtained his/her last University degree.
Apart from the compulsory mobility period, additional voluntary mobility is possible, especially with regard to the professional stage. The professional stage at the non-European institutions of the Consortium will be stimulated, especially for European Erasmus Mundus students, while additional mobility across European institutions will be stimulated for Third-Country Erasmus Mundus students.