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Feminist revolution

It is not the first time that feminism bursts in the social scene. Actually, a 4th feminist wave is reported in the 21st century. Globalization and the use of social media have created the perfect background for women to speak one another all around the world. We have now the arguments and tools to question the reality that oppressed us as well of the lies that we had finally achieved equality and that feminism was a movement of the past. Being historically excluded from the media, politics, culture and even history, in which we women have been portrayed as mere companions of men, the democracy of the virtual space has evidenced that our opinion and perspective in indeed important. We have changed by means of the hashtag the political agenda in every country.

We women are not a marginalised group. On the contrary, we are more than half of the population and we suffer a structured oppression based in the social division in gender roles. We feminists raise up against the imposition of stereotypes and social constructs that impose us our nature, our behaviour and limit our goals if we were born women. We rebel against being labelled as the weaker sex and living with fear because of the permanent threat of being molested. We fight against of the idea that women are pleasant objects and not full subject of law. We reject being traded and exploited. We unite to fight each single case of discrimination, each single space in which we have been turned down, and each policy that leaves us out.

This is the reason why it is important to know which are the tools that we can use in our daily fight as feminist activists. In the different sessions of the course we will know how to use social media to disseminate our ideas and create attractive contents that promote social debate where we can find interesting data to continue our training and elaborate new strategies.

Finally, this workshop is about how we can expand our activism from the social media to every social spectrum of our lives: professional, personal and public lives.

  • 16 october 2019 at 11:00 to 13:00. Wednesday.
  • 16 october 2019 at 18:00 to 20:00. Wednesday.
  • 17 october 2019 at 11:00 to 13:00. Every day.

Día 16 por la mañana en el salón de actos de la Facultad de Psicología, por la tarde en el salón de actos de la Facultad de Ciencies Sociales. Dia 17 en el Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Farmacia.

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Contact igualtat@uv.es

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