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  • CG1: Conocer y comprender el objeto de estudio de las Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte.
  • CG2: Gain basic scientific training applied to physical activity and sport in their diverse forms.
  • CG3: Know and understand the epistemological, historical and educational foundations of physical activity and sport.
  • CG4: Know and understand the physiological and biomechanical factors that determine the practice of physical activity and sport.
  • CG5: Know and understand the behavioural and social factors that determine the practice of physical activity and sport.
  • CG6: Know and understand the effects of the practice of physical exercise on the structure and function of the human body.
  • CG7: Know and understand the effects of the practice of physical exercise on the psychological and social dimensions of the human being.
  • CG8: Know and understand the fundamentals, structures and functions of human motor skills and movement patterns.
  • CG9: Know and understand the fundamentals of physical fitness for physical activity and sport.
  • CG10: Know and understand the fundamentals of game play and sport.
  • CG11: Understand and produce written and audiovisual texts related to physical activity and sport sciences.
  • CG12: Apply the principles of fundamental rights, gender equality, equal opportunities, universal accessibility for people with disabilities, solidarity, environmental protection, the culture of peace and democratic values.
  • CG13: Design, implement and evaluate the teaching-learning processes related to physical activity and sport, paying attention to the individual, collective and contextual characteristics of people.
  • CG14: Promote and evaluate the acquisition of enduring and autonomous habits of practising physical activity and sport.
  • CG15: Plan, implement and evaluate physical activity and sports programmes targeted at special populations.
  • CG16: Plan and apply aesthetic and expressive foundations to human movement.
  • CG17: Plan, implement and evaluate the motor skills training process at its different levels and practice environments.
  • CG18: Apply physiological, biomechanical, behavioural and social principles to the different fields of physical activity and sport.
  • CG19: Identify health risks derived from inappropriate physical and sporting activities and propose alternatives.
  • CG20: Evaluate physical fitness and prescribe health-oriented physical exercises.
  • CG21: Plan, implement and evaluate physical activity and sports programmes.
  • CG22: Plan, implement and evaluate programmes for sport organisations and entities in the field of leisure, tourism, free time and sporting events.
  • CG23: Select and know how to use sports material and equipment, suitable for each type of activity and population.
  • CG24: Direct and manage sports facilities.
  • CG25: Understand the scientific literature in the field of physical activity and sport in English and in other languages with significant presence in the scientific field.
  • CG26: Apply information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the field of physical activity and sport sciences.
  • CG27: Use the sources of certified scientific knowledge in the field of physical activity and sport sciences.
  • CG28: Be able to apply knowledge to work in a professional manner, to elaborate and defend arguments and to solve problems within the area of physical activity and sport sciences.
  • CG29: Develop leadership, interpersonal and teamwork skills.
  • CG30: Develop resources to adapt to new situations and to solve problems, and for independent learning and creativity.
  • CG31: Develop habits of professional excellence and quality.
  • CG32: Develop capacities to act under the ethical principles required for proper professional practice.