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3 scholarships for UV students to attend German language courses and 10 for clerkship exchanges within the agreement with Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Call for 2024

Definitive Resolution

UV official board publication

The Universitat de València launches the call for UV students 2024 under the bilateral agreement with the  Johannes Gutenberg - Universität Mainz.

The 2 types of scholarships are:

Type 1: Applications for 3 German courses at the international Summer school of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz from 5 to 23 August

Type 2: Applications for 10 clerkship exchanges at Hospital or Dental clinic with the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz during the summer 2024

To be selected: Students at the University of Valencia will meet the following requirements by the date of the application deadline:

Type 1: To be enrolled in the degree in Modern Languagues and Literature, at the University of Valencia. A level of Language B1 in German proved with a certificate issued by one of the recognised centres according to the equivalence table (Annex II). These certificates include those issued by the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the University of Valencia.

Type 2: To be enrolled in the degree in Medicine or Dentistry at the University of Valencia and to meet the academic requirements indicated in the terms of the call.A level of Language B2 in German proved with a certificate issued by one of the recognised centres according to the equivalence table (Annex II) These certificates include those issued by the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the University of Valencia. Beyond the enrollment and the level of German, please, pay attention to the academic requirements stated on the call.

Application period: from 23 February to 7 March 2024 (both days included)

Resolution and Appendix I: regulations for the UV call-UV Official Board
Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application

Link to the DOGV


Grants for UV academic research stays at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz 2024

Type 1: A one-month research stay from 1 to 30 Setember

Type 2: A one-month research stay from 2 to 31 October

Type 3: A one-month research stay from  2 to 30 November

Application period: from  23 February to 15 March 2024 (both days included)

Papers required to be upload with the online application:

  • Proof of German language proficiency.
  • A brief narrative report concerning the planned project
  • Currículum vitae of the candidate
  • Invitation Letter by the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Regulations for the UV call-UV Official Board

Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application

New 2/05/2024 -Mainz 2024- Resolution of the research stays for academics: grant awardees

Link to the UV Official board


3 scholarships for UV students to attend German language courses and 10 for clerkship exchanges within the agreement with Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Call for 2023


Definitive Resolution

UV Official Board publication

 Provisional Resolution

1. Type 1 and 2:  provisional list of awardees:

Provisional list of beneficiaries, applications to be amended and excluded applications.

Deadline to amend:  April 4, 2023

The Universitat de València launches the call for UV students 2023 under the bilateral agreement with the  Johannes Gutenberg - Universität Mainz.

The 2 types of scholarships are:

Type 1: Applications for 3 German courses at the international Summer school of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz 2-30 August 2023

Type 2: Applications for 10 clerkship exchanges at Hospital or Dental clinic with the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz during the summer 2023

To be selected: Students at the University of Valencia will meet the following requirements by the date of the application deadline:

A level of Language B2 in German proved with a certificate issued by one of the recognised centres according to the equivalence table (Annex II). These certificates include those issued by the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the University of Valencia.

Type 1: To be enrolled in the degree in Modern Languagues and Literature, at the University of Valencia

Type 2: To be enrolled in the degree in Medicine or Dentistry at the University of Valencia and to meet the academic requirements indicated in the terms of the call.


Application period: from 1 to 14 March 2023 (both days included)

Resolution and Appendix I: regulations for the UV call-UV Official Board
Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application

Link to the DOGV (28/02/2023)


Three Special grants for UV teaching staff to carry out a research stay at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz 2023


Type 1: A one-month research stay from 1 to 30 Setember,  2023

Type 2: A one-month research stay from 2 to 31 October 2023

Type 3: A one-month research stay from  2 to 30 November 2023

Application period: from  1 to 21 March 2023 (both days included)

Papers required to be upload with the online application:

  • Proof of German language proficiency.
  • A brief narrative report concerning the planned project
  • Currículum vitae of the candidate
  • Invitation Letter by the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Regulations for the UV call-UV Official Board

Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application

New 2/05/2023 -Mainz 2023- Resolution of the research stays for academics: grant awardees and waiting list 

(UV official board) Amendment to the resolution of 2 May

Link to the UV Official board

Three grants for UV students to attend German language courses through the agreement with Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Call for 2022

Three grants for UV students enrolled on the degree of Modern Languagues and Literature for a German language course from 2-30 August 2022,  at the International Summer School of the Johannes Gutenberg - Universität Mainz within the bilateral cooperation framework between both institutions.

Application period: from 14 to 25 February, 2022 (both days included)

Resolution and Appendix I: regulations for the UV call-UV Official Board
Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application

Link to the DOGV (11/02/2022)

New 4/03/2022

UV Official Board publication

Resolution of  4 March 2022: Grant awards

Nominees for the Summer course must send the below paperwork to and to  These application documents must be sent either in English or in German by 9 March.

  • the completed nomination form (provided for El Servei de Relacions internacionals i Cooperació)
  • a copy of his/her “Acknowledgement of Registration” for the JGU Summer Course received by mail from summer@uni-mainz. (pdf file)**
  • a letter of motivation why he/she is interested in participating in the Summer Course
  • the applicant’s curriculum vitae
  • a copy of his/her transcript from your university.

**Please, find the register link:

Three Special grants for UV teaching staff to carry out a research stay at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Type 1: A one-month research stay from 1 to 30 Setember,  2022

Type 2: A one-month research stay from1 to 31 October 2022

Type 3: A one-month research stay from  2 to 30 November 2022

Application period: from  12  February to 4 March 2022 (both days included)

Papers required to be upload with the online application:

  • Proof of German language proficiency.
  • A brief narrative report concerning the planned project
  • Currículum vitae of the candidate
  • Invitation Letter by the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Regulations for the UV call-UV Official Board

Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application

New 24/03/2022

UV Official Board publication (Grant awards)

The recipients will receive an email with the following directions, further information, email contact at the UV


Partial scholarship at the Summerschool in Mainz from 2 to 31 August 2022 (Accommodation included)

The City of Mainz announced one partial scholarship for the Summerschool in August 2022 in Mainz, acommodation included.

The scholarship of the City of Mainz is 1.000€. Please be aware that the totals course fee is 2.200€. So the awarded student will have to pay the remaining 1200€.

A previous knowledge in German is not required, applicants could have an English knowledge instead or have a German level and take the course with the aim of improving his/her level.

The applicant documents are:

  • a letter of motivation why he/she is interested in participating in the Summer Course
  • his/her curriculum vitae
  • a copy of his/her transcript from your university

Interested students in the Summer course must send the above-mentioned paperwork to from 11 to 21 January, these application documents must be sent either in English or in German.

El Servei de Relacions internacionals i cooperació will communicate the selection on 26 January.

The awarded student must email the paperwork directly to and moreover, be registered at by 31 January 2022

Further information is available at

Three online German courses for UV students within University of Valencia and Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz agreement. Call for 2021

Three online summer courses in German for UV students enrolled on the degree of Modern Languagues and Literatures. The online courses will be taught from August 9 to August 20  2021, at the International Summer school of Mainz within the bilateral cooperation framework with the Johannes Gutenberg - Universität Mainz

Applicants must hold a German B2 level certificate according to the Equivalence chart below (appendix II) Certificates issued by the Philology, Translation and Communication School will be considered as a valid ones

Application period: from April 26 to May 7, 2021 (both days included)

Resolution and Appendix I: regulations for the call
Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application

New 14/05/2021

Resolution of  12 May 2021 - Grant awards -UV Official Board publication

The recipients have to:

  1. Register for the course at Online Summer@Uni-Mainz | International Summer School of JGU by May 20, 2021.
  2. Complete their registration for the summer course by signing up for the scholarship at (prior registration required to access the link). This additional enrollment is essential for providing the scholarship. The deadline for the scholarship registration is June 02, 2021 (no extensions possible, sorry). To complete the scholarship registration, each student needs to upload the following documents:
    -- proof of the requisite registration for this summer course at JGU
    -- proof of your nomination for this summer course.

Three Special grants for UV teaching staff to carry out a research stay at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Three grants for UV students to attend German language courses through the agreement with Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Call for 2020

Call cancellation for three Mainz grants to support German summer courses in August 2020 due to Covid 19 pandemic

UV-Official board

Resolution Call cancellation

Three Special grants for UV teaching staff to carry out a research stay at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Call cancellation for UV teaching staff to carry out a research stay at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

UV-official board

Resolution Call cancellation

Call 2020 for 3 grants at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz to carry out a research stay for UV teaching staff and 3 grants for German summer courses for UV students

Three grants for UV students to attend German language courses through the agreement with Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Call for 2020

Three grants for a German language course from August 3 to August 28  2020,  at Johannes Gutenberg - Universität Mainz within the bilateral cooperation framework between both institutions.

Application period: from February 12 to February 25, 2020 (both days included)

Resolution and Appendix I: regulations for the UV call-UV Official Board
Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application

Link to the DOGV (11/02/2020)

Three Special grants for UV teaching staff to carry out a research stay at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Type 1: A one-month research stay from Setember 1 to Setember 30 2020

Type 2: A one-month research stay from October 1 to October 30 2020

Type 3: A one-month research stay from  November 1 to November 30 2020

Application period: from February 12 to February 25, 2020 (both days included)

Papers required to be upload with the online application:

  • Proof of German language proficiency.
  • A brief narrative report concerning the planned project
  • Currículum vitae of the candidate
  • Invitation Letter by the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Regulations for the UV call-UV Official Board

Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application


Call 2019 for 3 grants at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz to carry out a research stay for UV teaching staff and 3 grants for German summer courses for UV students


Three grants for UV students to attend German language courses through the agreement with Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Call for 2019

Three grants for a German language course from August 5 to August 30  2019, at Freie Universität Berlin within the bilateral cooperation framework with the Johannes Gutenberg - Universität Mainz.

Application period: from April 3 to April 16 2019 (both days included)

Resolution and Appendix I: regulations for the call
Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application

Link to the DOGV (02/04/2019)

New 9/05/2018

UV Official Board publication

Resolution of  9 May 2019: Grant awards, waiting list and excluded applications

The recipients have to accept the grant until 16 May 2019 through Entreu

Three Special grants for UV teaching staff to carry out a research stay at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Type 1: A one-month research stay from Setember 16 to October 9 2019

Type 2: A one-month research stay from October 2 to October 30 2019

Type 3: A one-month research stay from  November 4 to December 2 2019

Application period: from April 1 to April 12 (both days included)

Papers required to be upload with the online application:

  • Proof of German language proficiency.
  • A brief narrative report concerning the planned project
  • Currículum vitae of the candidate
  • Invitation Letter by the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

UV Official Board

Resolution and Appendix I: Regulations for the call
Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application

New 15/05/2019

UV Official Board

Resolution of 15 May 2019 concerning Grant awards, list of grant beneficiaries

Grant must be accepted 22 May 2019  through Entreu:
Online application

Call 2018 for 3 grants at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz to carry out a research stay for UV teaching staff and 3 grants for German summer courses for UV students

Three Special grants for UV teaching staff to carry out a research stay at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Type 1: A one-month research stay from Setember 12 to October 05 2018

Type 2: A one-month research stay from October 2 to October 30 2018

Type 3: A one-month research stay from  November 2 to November 30 2018

Application period: from May 2 to May 15 2018 (both days included)

Papers required to be upload with the online application:

  • Proof of German language proficiency.
  • A brief narrative report concerning the planned project
  • Currículum vitae of the candidate
  • Invitation Letter by the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz


Resolution and Appendix I: Regulations for the call
Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application

Resolution of 13 June 2018 concerning Grant awards, list of grant beneficiaries

The recipients have to accept the grant from 25 to 29 June 2018, both included  through Entreu:
Online application

Three grants for UV students to attend German language courses through the agreement with Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Call for 2018

Three grants for a German language course from August 6 to August 31  2018, at Freie Universität Berlin within the bilateral cooperation framework with the Johannes Gutenberg - Universität Mainz.

Application period: from April 30 to May 14 2018 (both days included)

Resolution and Appendix I: regulations for the call
Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application

Link to the DOGV (26/04/2018)

New 30/05/2018

UV Official Board publication

Error correction of the 30 May Resolution- new publication of the waiting list including one missing applicatn

Resolution of  30 May 2018 Grant awards, waiting list and excluded applications

The recipients have to accept the grant until 9 June 2018 through Entreu

Call for Grants Chair Fisabio-Universitat de València Academic year 2018-2019


The students of the last course of the University of Valencia of the degrees in the area of Biomedicine, Economics, Sociology, Environmental Sciences and Food Science and Technology, can submit their applications for obtaining a Fisabio-Universitat de Valencia Chair .

This help will allow them to carry out a research stay of up to three months in a European higher education research center for the execution of a research project. The requests, in accordance with Annex II of the Bidding Terms, must be submitted from the day following the publication of the notice in the Official Gazette of the Valencian Community until May 31, 2018, both inclusive, in the General Registry of the University of Valencia.


Deadline for applications: 31st May 2018.

Resolution of 21 June 2018 concerning Grant awards, list of grant recipients

Grants Place to Place for placements Erasmus+. Consortium Fundación Universia- Academic year 2017-2018

Fundació Universia, through the Erasmus+ Program of the European Commission, organizes the project Place to Place, which enables students with disabilities at higher education institutions to spend a placement traineeship period in an enterprise of another participating country of Erasmus+ Program.

The consortium for the execution of the project Place to Place counts on the participation of Universitat Oberta de Catalunya,  Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,  Universidad de Valladolid, Universitat de València, Fundació General de la Universitat de València and Fundación ONCE.

Call Resolution

Link to the extract of DOGV (08-02-2018)

Deadline for applications: 9th March 2018.

Link to the application

Resolution of preselected students

NEW (12/07/2018) Extension of the mobilities execution deadline: until May 31, 2019

Term extension resolution

NEW (20/07/2018) Resolution granting aid



Call 2017 for 3 grants at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz to carry out a research stay for UV teaching staff and 3 grants for German summer courses for UV students

Three Special grants for UV teaching staff to carry out a research stay at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Type 1: A one-month research stay from Setember 12th to October 05th, 2017

Type 2: A one-month research stay from October 2nd to October 30th ,2017

Type 3: A one-month research stay from  November 2nd to November 30th, 2017

Application period: from July 04th to July 17th (both days included)

Papers required to be upload with the online application:

  • Proof of German language proficiency.
  • A brief narrative report concerning the planned project
  • Currículum vitae of the candidate
  • Invitation Letter by the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Resolution and Appendix I: Regulations for the call
Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application

Resolution of 20th July 2017 concerning Grant awards, list of grant recipients and reserve list

The recipients have to accept the grant until 28th July 2017 by sending an e-mail to:

Three grants for UV students to attend German language courses through the agreement with Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Call for 2017

Three grants for a German language course from August the7 th to Setember the 1st, 2017, at Freie Universität Berlin

Application period: from June 19th to June 30th

Resolution and Appendix I: regulations for the call
Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application

Link to the DOGV (16/06/2017)

New 10/07/2017

Resolution of  07th July 2017 Grant awards, waiting list and excluded applications

The recipients have to accept the grant until 18th July 2017, by sending an e-mail to:

Special grants for teaching staff research stays and language courses for students at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Special grants for UV teaching staff to carry out a research stay at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Call for 2016

Type 1: A one-month research stay from Setember 16th to October 16th, 2016

Type 2: A one-month research stay in October

Type 3: A one-month research stay in November

Applications period: from June 24th to July 5th, 2016

Appendix I: Regulations for the call
Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application

Resolution of 19th July 2016 - Grant awards
Appendix I: List of grant recipients
Appendix II: Reserve list to cover possible vacancies

The recipients have to accept the grant until 28th July 2016, by sending an e-mail to:

Three grants for UV students to attend German language courses through the agreement with Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Call for 2016

Three grants for a German language course from August the 8th to Setember the 2nd, 2016, at Freie Universität Berlin

Application period: from July 5ht to July 15th

Appendix I: Regulations for the call
Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application

Resolution of 19th July 2016 - Grant awards
Appendix I: List of excluded applications because of not meeting the requirements
Appendix II: List of grant recipients
Appendix III: Reserve list to cover possible vacancies

The recipients have to accept the grant until 28th July 2016, by sending an e-mail to:


Three grants for UV students to attend German language courses through the agreement between Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz and Universitat de València

Three grants for a German language course in August 2015, at Freie Universität Berlin

Call Students 2015
Application period: 6th May- 18th May 2015 (including both days)
Appendix I: Regulations for the call
Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application


Resolution of 4th June 2015 - Grant awards
Appendix I: List of excluded applications because of not meeting the requirements
Appendix II: List of grant recipients
Appendix III: Reserve list to cover possible vacancies

The recipients have to accept the grant until 11th June 2015, by sending an e-mail to:

Special grants for UV teaching staff to carry out a research stay at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Type 1: A research fellowship during the month of July 2015 at a department of Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Type 2: A two-month research stay at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, in October and November 2015

Call Teaching Staff 2015
Application period: 6th May- 18th May 2015 (including both days)
Appendix I: Regulations for the call
Appendix II: Equivalency chart
Online application

Resolution of 4th June 2015 - Grant awards
Appendix I: List of grant recipients
Appendix II: Reserve list to cover possible vacancies

The recipients have to accept the grant until 11th June 2015, by sending an e-mail to: