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Adaptation to new undergratuate degrees

For students who did not complete a phased-out degree: Diplomatura (3-year Bachelor’s Degree), Ingeniería Técnica (3-year Degree in Engineering), Ingeniería (5-year Degree in Engineering) or a Licenciatura (5-year Bachelor’s Degree)

Completed subjects in your ‘old’ academic record will be validated by corresponding subjects in the new degree programme in accordance with the Equivalence Chart set for each degree (see below), establishing equivalences with previous degree programmes.

If the degree of correspondence between subjects is high, the grade/mark obtained in the original subject is also transferred. If two or more original subjects are needed to establish the equivalence, the transferred grade will be the weighted average. If the grade in one of the original subjects were an A+ (Sp. matrícula de honor), this will be also transferred to the new record if and only if the weighted average is higher than 9 (out of 10).

For the purposes of adaptation to the current degree programme, the following Equivalence Chart is used for reference, and the four exam attempts for each subject set by the regulations are observed

Equivalence chart for the current degree programme

Licenciado en Física (Plan 2000)

Previous degree Type of subject Type of subject Degree
GENERAL PHYSICS I Obligatorio Basic Training Física General I
GENERAL PHYSICS II Obligatorio Basic Training Física General II
Experiments in General Physics Troncal Basic Training Física General III
    Basic Training Iniciación a la Física Experimental
Mathematical methods I Troncal Basic Training Álgebra y Geometría I
    Basic Training Álgebra y Geometría II
Mathematical methods II Troncal Basic Training Cálculo I
    Basic Training Cálculo II
General Chemistry Optativo Basic Training Química
Computing Optativo Basic Training Informática
Mechanics and Waves Troncal Obligatorio Mecánica I
    Obligatorio Oscilaciones y Ondas
Mathematical Method III Troncal Obligatorio Métodos Matemáticos I
    Obligatorio Métodos Matemáticos II
Thermodynamics Troncal Obligatorio Termodinámica
Experimental techniques in waves and Mechanics Troncal Obligatorio Laboratorio de Mecánica
Experimental Techniques in Thermodynamics Troncal Obligatorio Laboratorio de Termodinámica
Numerical Analysis Obligatorio Obligatorio Métodos Estadísticos y Numéricos
Environmental Physics Optativo Obligatorio Física de la Atmósfera
Fundamentos de Astronomía y Astrofísica Optativo Obligatorio Astrofísica
Electromagnetism Troncal Obligatorio Electromagnetismo I
    Obligatorio Electromagnetismo II
Quantum Physics Troncal Obligatorio Física Cuántica I
    Obligatorio Física Cuántica II
Optics Troncal Obligatorio Óptica I
    Obligatorio Óptica II
Experimental Techniques in Electromagnetism Obligatorio Obligatorio Laboratorio de Electromagnetismo
Experimental Techniques in Optics Obligatorio Obligatorio Laboratorio de Óptica
Técnicas Experimentales en Física Cuántica Obligatorio Obligatorio Laboratorio de Física Cuántica
Quantum Mechanics Troncal Obligatorio Mecánica Cuántica
Classical Electrodynamics Troncal Obligatorio Electrodinámica Clásica
Nuclear and Particle Physics. Troncal Obligatorio Física Nuclear y de Partículas
Physics of Solid State Troncal Obligatorio Física del Estado Sólido
Técnicas Observacionales de Astrofísica Optativo Optativo Astrofísica Observacional
Advanced Quantum Mechanics Optativo Optativo Mecánica Cuántica Avanzada
Atomic and Molecular physics Optativo Optativo Física Atómica y de las Radiaciones
Electromagnetic Waves Optativo Optativo Ondas Electromagnéticas
Physical Electronics Optativo Optativo Física de Semiconductores
Teledetección Optativo Optativo Teledetección