Universitat de ValènciaDegree in PodiatryFaculty of Nursing and Chiropody Logo del portal

1. Average grade of the academic record in the entrance degree: up to 10 points.

2. Curriculum Vitae submitted: up to 10 points. Within this criterion, the following merits will be assessed, assigning a score of up to 10 points for each of the following items:

a. Subjects and courses related to the subjects taught in the Master’s degree (up to 5 points, taking into account the grade obtained). Specific degrees or other additional official qualifications other than the access degree to the Master’s degree, related to its contents (up to 5 points, taking into account the grade obtained).

b. Research merits: Publications (up to 5 points), attendance and participation in scientific conferences and meetings (up to 3 points) and participation in research projects (up to 2 points), within the are of knowledge of history of science and scientific communication.

c. Collaboration grants, research grants and other similar grants obtained in open and competitive calls, provided that they have been obtained for subjects related to the Master’s degree.

d. Professional experience: Curricular or extracurricular internships (up to 7 points), as well as work experience in companies or institutions (up to 3 points) in areas and fields related to the contents of the Master’s degree.

3. Knowledge of languages (up to 10 points). Knowledge of the English language (B2, 2 points; B1, 5 points; C1, 8 points; and C2, 10 points) will be especially valued. Only official certificates issued by Official Schools of Languages or accredited institutions will be taken into consideration.

4. Defence of merits and motivation in the choice of the Master's degree: (Up to 10 points) The Commission may conduct a personal interview on the merits adduced, mainly to assess the level of knowledge of languages essential to follow the courses, English and Spanish, and the merits included in the curriculum presented (justification of priority with respect to other Master's degrees; justification of the subjects studied in the access degree in relation to the orientation of the Master's degree; justification of the professional practice with the Master's degree applied for; justification of the continuity of doctoral studies, ...).

Likewise, this interview will serve to assess the suitability of personal motivations and expectations with respect to the programme's educational offer.