Logo UVDegree in Telematics EngineeringSchool of Engineering (ETSE) Logo del portal


Become an expert of the Internet

Telecommunication networks, security, radio communications, programming, System administration...


Become an engineer of networks. Employment rate over 90%

The Bachelor’s Degree in Telematics Engineering is the second degree of the Universitat de València with a greater demand of workers by the companies


Small groups with practical contents

Use of real equipment and academic internships for contacting the world of work


This certificate allows the Student to work as a Technical Engineer of Telecommunications all over the world

La Millor Opció


Vídeo institucional de la Universitat de València en el qual es parla de l'oferta acadèmica de la institució, dels diferents serveis amb què compta la comunitat universitària i de les possibilitats que ofereix la Universitat tant per als universitaris com per a la societat.

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