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Welcome session 2024-2025 academic year


The UV International Relations Service has planned three face-to-face sessions on Monday 9th September 2024 in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry to give you a warm welcome and provide you with general information about the UV and daily life in Valencia:

- At 9:00 am for students of Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication + Burjassot Campus: :

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication + E.T.S. Engineering + F. Biological Sciences + F. Mathematical Sciences + F. Pharmacy + F. Physics + F. Chemistry.

- At 11:00 a.m. for students of Tarongers Campus (except for the Faculty of Law):

F. Economics + F. Teaching + F. Social Sciences.

- At 13:00 p.m for students of Blasco Ibañez Campus (except Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication) + Faculty of Law.

F. Law + F. Nursing and Podiatry + F. Physical Activity and Sport Sciences + F. Philosophy and Education Sciences + F. Physiotherapy + F. Geography and History + F. Medicine and Dentistry + F. Psychology

(except F. Philology, Translation and Communication)

At the session you will receive your Certificate of Arrival with the date of incorporation to the UV.

Some faculties organise also faculty meetings.  

The online application procedure is mandatory for all incoming students.

Accepted students will receive an e-mail from “entreu@uv.es” with the subject “Universitat de València - Application Form for incoming students” which contains their login-code to fill the online application form in. Remember to select Online Office User to be able to log in with your user and password.

Students will need to upload the following documents:

  • Passport / Identification Document (mandatory to submit your application form)
  • Health insurance or European Health Card covering the whole length of the exchange period. (you can submit it later if you do not have it yet)

After completing the Application Form, a pdf document will appear as a confirmation for you.

We will check all the information requested and finally the student will be able to download his Letter of Acceptance and they will receive an email from us with the instructions to download their Letter of Acceptance. See the instructions in:


Please, note that you will need the same before mentioned access data, user and password, to log in as Online Office User.

Find your Campus and Faculty here

Campus maps

Each campus has a health department. It Provides medical assistance in case of school accident or medical emergency. Likewise, and whenever it is not possible to go to the corresponding health center, illnesses that occur during university activity hours will be treated.

Health Department on Blasco Ibáñez Campus map

Health Department on Burjassot-Paterna Campus map

Health Department on Tarongers Campus map

Instructions for nominated students

Application procedure

1. How can I access the application form?
Through the link that has been sent in an e-mail to you.

2. How do I identify myself?
With the username (your e-mail address that your university has given us) and the password that has been sent in an e-mail to you.

3. The system tells me there is an error: "Student without mobility data". What should I do?
-Make sure that the UV has let you know that you can fill in the application form.
-Make sure that you have accessed with the username and password you have been given

If the error still appears, get in touch with the International Relations Service through incoming@uv.es

4. The data that are loaded automatically are wrong and I can't modify them. What can I do?
Do not fill in the application form and get in touch with the International Relations Service by sending an e-mail to incoming@uv.es.

5. I have filled in and sent the form. Can I modify the data?
No, once you have sent the form you cannot send it again. If, after sending it, there is any problem or the data you have entered are wrong, get in touch with the International Relations Service by sending an e-mail to incoming@uv.es

6. What documents do I have to submit?
The scanned documents you will have to upload are as follows:
-Passport / Identification Document
-International health insurance covering the whole length of the exchange period (in case you have this document at the moment of submitting the application)

7. Which is the deadline to submit the application?

After being accepted, incoming students will receive an email with their login-code and the instructions to fill in the online application form. This should be done within 30 days after the reception of the email.


However, please fill in and submit your Application Form as soon as possible. The sooner you submit it the faster will some Faculties process your subsequent enrolment.

International health insurance

If you don't have an international health insurance until shortly before travelling to Valencia, you will have to send a scanned copy to incoming@uv.es as soon as you have it.

This insurance has to cover at least:

-Medical assistance in case of accident as well as of illness
-Repatriation or medical transport in case of injury or illness
-Repatriation or transport in case of decease
-Travel costs for a family member in case of illness or decease
-Public liability

You will have to prove that you have taken out the insurance providing:

-the policy
-the receipt showing that you have paid the fee

If you have "extended" a preexisting policy, please ask for a certificate specifying the coverage.

We recommend you to hire a private insurance so that you can have better coverage during your stay. The Universitat de València is one of the Spanish universities that is part of OnCampus,  check  Terms and condicions. Other interesting companys are https://universitasmundi.com/ and https://www.guardme.eu/

Security and health

-Health Departments

Each campus has a health department. It provides medical assistance in case of accident and deals with minor health problems.

Information leaflet

Health Department on Blasco Ibáñez Campus map

Health Department on Burjassot-Paterna Campus map

Health Department on Tarongers Campus map

-Emergency phone

Dial phone number 112 to ask for help (police, fire brigade, ambulance).

-Special needs students

If you are disabled or suffer from a chronic illness, you can contact our Unit for Integration of People with Disabilities at:


Please specify your needs and they will arrange things so that you will be able to study with us as comfortably as possible.

Cost of living

How much do things cost in Valencia? Check out these prices, for your reference:

  • Electricity, water and gas (on average per person, if you share an apartment): around 25 € monthly
  • Internet Access: At UV and in its halls of residence, internet is free for all students, using the UV Wi-Fi network (eduroam). If you want to have broadband internet access at home, it will cost you approximately 40 € monthly
  • Food at the UV cafeterias can come in a daily menu (two courses, dessert and a drink): around 6 €
  • Maintenance costs (grocery shopping and small expenses) per person: approximately 200 €/month 
  • Public transport (EMT bus network): less than 2 € per trip and less than 10 € for a card with 10 trips
  • Bicycle subscription (Valenbisi): less than 30€/year
  • Room in a shared flat (excluding bills): between 200 and 250 €/month


Students are responsible for arranging their own accommodation. Nevertheless, although UV has no housing office, it does offer a few options of its own:

-Halls of Residence

  • Colegio Mayor Rector Peset / Rector Peset Hall of Residence

UV dorm that provides residence to UV members and encourages the human, cultural and scientific training of those who live in it. It is located in the historical city centre. Please click here to access its website.

  • Residencia Universitaria Damià Bonet / Damià Bonet Hall of Residence

This dorm is located on Tarongers Campus and is well communicated with buses and MetroValencia. It has single studios with bathroom and kitchen, heating and air conditioning, telephone and computer connection with internet access. Have a look at its website and at its information leaflet.

-Housing stock

The UV Information Service (SEDI) maintains a catalogue with information about flats rented by private owners. Please click here to access the website.

-Other options

You will find more information about accommodation by clicking here and also by checking the UV Guide for incoming students.

Study permits

If you are a national of a non-EU country you will need a visa in order to enter and stay in Spain. Please check with the Spanish Embassy or Consulate in the country where you live.

Once you are here, we can help you with the study permit procedure. You can find more information at this link.

Registration of citizens of the Union

If you are a EU citizen (or if you are a citizen of a country belonging to the European Economic Area of if you are a Swiss citizen) and if you are going to stay in Spain for 3 months or more, it is mandatory for you to apply for your registration in the Central Register of Foreign Nationals. Please click here to see the information.

Useful information about the UV

-Guide to find courses

-UV guide

-Campus maps

-Academic calendar

-Syllabi and information about courses

-Spanish and Catalan (Valencian) courses

UV offers Spanish courses through:

Centro de Idiomas (Language Centre)
C/ Serpis, 25
46022 Valencia

The Language Centre offers a reduced price to all exchange students (both Erasmus and International Programme students) who enrol in their semester courses. You do not need any certificate to prove you are an exchange student. The International Relations Service sends a list of all students to the Language Centre. Check its website to find out the start and end dates of the courses. Click here to see their leaflet with information about prices.

We also offer free Catalan-Valencian courses through our Language Policy Service.

The UV Office for Territorial Projection and Participation organizes cultural and touristic tours for incoming exchange students: a series of trips that will give you the chance of getting to know Valencian culture and heritage beyond your stay in the city.

Please click here to have a look at the leaflet.

More information and registration in: http://projeccio.uv.es

facebook: www.facebook.com/ProjeccioUVEG

twitter: @projeccioUVEG

-Check our FAQ

-Music at UV

If you want to join the UV Philharmonic Orchestra and/or the UV Orpheum, please take a look at this information leaflet created by our Music Activity Trust.

-Sports at UV

UV develops a wide variety of sporting activities through its Physical Education and Sports Service. Take a look at their website and at the course enrolment guide.

Buddy programme

Almost all UV Faculties/Schools (except for the F. of Teacher Training) take part in the buddy programme. The buddy is a UV student who will contact you about one or two months before you travel to Valencia and will help you in the following matters:

  • Help regarding your arrival in the city, accommodation resources, getting around the city, basic services: phones, health, money matters...
  • Faculties and campuses: services, classrooms, buildings, facilities...
  • Enrolment: subjects, credits, study plans, exams, timetables...
  • UV virtual tools: Wi-Fi network, Virtual Classroom, Virtual Office, e-mail account...
  • Integration: learn languages, contact other students, take part in cultural or exchange activities
  • City life: cultural offer, leisure, heritage...

If the date of your arrival is approaching and you have not been contacted by your UV buddy, please send an e-mail to:


Steps to be followed when you arrive in Valencia

First step: Arrival
The UV International Office has planned a Reception Day to give you a warm welcome and provide you general information about the UV and about daily life in Spain. At the beginning of the session, you will be given your Certificate of Arrival, a temporary student card and an information pack. Please note: the date of arrival on the Certificate will be the date of the Reception Day.

Reception Days Calendar

Faculty Meetings
A few Faculties organize specific Faculty meetings for their incoming exchange students (some sessions are mandatory). In this sessions students are informed about how to complete the enrolment procedure.

Second step: Visit your academic coordinator
The academic coordinator for your field of studies will assist you with academic issues.

Third step: Enrolling
At your home university or faculty you will have been given instructions regarding the procedure for enrolling in the courses that you decide to take at the University of Valencia. Enrolling usually takes place one or two weeks after the beginning of classes so that students can be sure of the courses they wish to take. However you are free to attend all the classes you wish until you enrol. Remember that it is compulsory that students enrol for at least 50% of their credits in the same field of study and in the faculty to which you have been nominated by your home university.

In some cases you will have to take along two passport-sized pictures (3x3 cm) and a photocopy of your passport or identity card so that your student card can be generated. This card will entitle you to full library services and discounts (sports, theatres, museums, etc). You will also receive a username and password for your UV online student account with which you will be able to access online services and your personal email account. You will also be given a bill (to be paid at a bank or financial institution) for the amount of around 8 euros (administrative fee).

End of attendance

On the day on which your exchange period finishes at UV, you should apply for your online Certificate of Attendance, which will contain the dates of your arrival and of the end of your exchange period. To see step by step how to apply for it and, later on, download it, please check this guide.

Please take into account that the date indicating the end of your exchange period at UV will be the date on which you apply for the Certificate of Attendance.

Transcript of records/grades

From the International Relations Service (Central Office at Palacio de Cerveró) we will automatically send your transcript of records to your University.

You will find information about our grade scale and our credit system on this link.

Further details

Office Hours
Hours of operation at the International Relations Service, as well as at the secretarial offices of the different faculties or schools are from 9 to 14 from Monday to Friday. Academic coordinators have their own office hours for students. Hours of availability can be found at each coordinators’ respective department.

Tips for students coming from a very different culture

  • If you need advice or help, especially if it is urgent, we strongly recommend you to just personally go to the offices and explain your situation, without appointment.
  • Almost all faculties assign UV student mentors/buddies to each exchange student. Their task is to help you in all practical matters (for instance, to find the right courses). Therefore, if you are contacted by your mentor, you should reply to him/her and keep in touch with him/her until you have finished your exchange period, as the mentors are a source of great help!