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  • 29/05/14 - 29/05/14

    La catástrofe de Chernobyl

    The catastrophe of Tchernobyl. Lecture by Alain-Gilles Bastide (French photographer, author of the exhibition "Traces Tchernobyl" and the book-DVD "Tchernobyl forever")
    Film Series and Lectures «Los costes de la energía nuclear» (The cost of nuclear power)

  • 27/05/14 - 27/05/14

    Patología valvular aórtica y mitral

    Intervé: Dr. Fernando García de Burgos (Hospital d'Elx) (moderador)

  • 26/05/14 - 26/05/14

    Presentation of the catalogue of the exhibition on the Institut of Valencian Studies

    Participants: Antonio Ariño, vice-principal for Culture and Equality; Ramón Ferrer, president of the Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua; Francesc Pérez Moragón, one of the curators of the exhibition; and the researchers and professors who have participated in the preparation of the catalogue

  • 21/05/14 - 21/05/14

    Round table «Medicamentos que salvan vidas»

    Participants: Marisa Ferrándiz, coordinator of the Degree in Farmacy (UVEG); Carmel Ferragud, researcher of the López Piñero IHMC and member of «Algemesí Solidari»; María Trelis (lecturer of the UVEG); and Eugenia García, general manager of Farmamundi

  • 08/05/14 - 08/05/14

    La energía nuclear: perspectivas históricas

    Nuclear power: historical perspectives. Lecture by Lino Camprubí (researcher in History of Science, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
    Film Series and Lectures «Los costes de la energía nuclear» (The cost of nuclear power)

  • 06/05/14 - 06/05/14

    Imaging in Cardiology

    Participants: Dr Fernando García de Burgos (Hospital of Elx) (moderator)

  • 21/03/14 - 21/03/14

    Round-table discussion on the occasion of the World Down Syndrome Day

    The activity will be attended by Rafael Fernández, doctor at the Down Syndrome Unit of the Valencia Clinical Hospital; Inma Malea, coordinator of Early Intervention at the Foundation; Mamen Lacárcel, professional of Schooling at the Foundation; Rafael Espinosa, professional of Pre-employment at the Foundation, and Pablo Albiñana, who will tell us his personal experience

  • 11/03/14 - 11/03/14

    Cardiac image in the ischemic heart disease

    Participants: Prof. Dr Luis Matí Bonmatí (Hospital La Fe of Valencia)(moderator)

  • 04/03/14 - 04/03/14

    Supraventricular and ventricular tachycardia

    Participants: Dr Salvador Morell Cabedo (Hospital General of Valencia) (moderator)

  • 03/03/14 - 03/03/14

    Round table .The Valencian Erasmus of Medicine in France: Another way to study for a better vital and professional future

    Coordinator: Llorenç Miralles, president of Societat Valenciana de Ciències de la Salut Joan Baptista Peset. Participants:Esther Dantés (Univerité Louis Pasteur de Strasburg), Ian López Cruz (Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI) and Mª. Carmen Sáez (Université de Rennes-1)