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Teachers of the Faculty of Medicine (1922)


Calligraphy of diseases

12th Meeting of History of Science and Technique

The Catalan Society of History of Science and Technique (SCHCT) announces the 12th Scientific meeting who hosts the historians of science, technique and medicine who wish to participate.

Report of the 12th Meeting of the Catalan Society of History of Science and Technique  which was held at the IHMC López Piñero on 15, 16, 17, and 18 November 2012

1. Scientific section  (provisionals)

1. Ciència i identitat nacional. [Coords.: X. Guillem i J. L. Barona].

2. La ciència àrab en les fronteres dels coneixements i les cultures. [Co¬ordinació: R. Puig i M. Forcada].

3. La medicina i les seues representacions. [Coords.: J. L. Fresquet i M. L. López Terrada].

4. Ciència i medicaments a l’Espanya autàrquica. [Coords.: R. Domin¬guez Vilaplana i A. González Bueno].

5. El periodisme mèdic: ciència, intervenció social i estratègia professio¬nal. [Coords.: A. Mülberger i À. Martínez Vidal].

6. La ciència i la seua història dins la ficció literària. [Coords. P. Bernat i C. Gámez].

7. X Jornada sobre la Història de la Ciència i l’Ensenyament. [Coords.: M. R. Massa i P. Grapí].

8. Instruments científics i museus de ciència [Coords.: P. Ruiz Climent i J. R. Bertomeu].

9. Posters section.

10. Free section. 

2. Oral presentations and posters
The authors also can make proposals in the modality of posters or in the modality of papers.
The deadline for submitting the proposals is in 15 May.

3.Lectures and parallel activities
During the meeting were organised plenary lectures, as well as other cultural activities, the programme of these activities will be announced in due course.

4. Grants
The Society offers enrollment, travel and accommodation grants for students and unemployed graduates, and for people who certify their need for receiving these grants, only if they are members of the SCHCT.

5. Dates to remember 

15 May 2012: Deadline for submitting the summaries of  papers and posters. 

31 May 2012: announcement of the acceptance of contributions. 

30 June 2012: Deadline for requesting grants, deadline for paying reduced registrations. 

1 July 2012: Beginning of the payment period for general registrations. 

For more information:
Officie of the SCHCT secretary
Tel. 933 248 581