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Institut Interuniversitari López Piñero. Palau de Cerveró


Col·lecció cientificomèdica permanent en el Palau Cerveró


Dibuix de S. Ramón y Cajal


Biblioteca Historicomèdica "Vicent Peset Llorca"


Teachers of the Faculty of Medicine (1922)


Calligraphy of diseases

Huracán sobre la isla (Hurricane)

Cinema series “Las fuerzas de la naturaleza (The Forces of Nature)”. Palacio de Cerveró

Cinema series “Las fuerzas de la naturaleza (The Forces of Nature)”


Hurricane (John Ford, 1937)


Directed by: John Ford Script: Dudley Nichols Music: Alfred Newman Photography: Bert Glennon Cast: Dorothy Lamour, Jon Hall, Mary Astor, C. Aubrey Smith, Thomas Mitchell, Raymond Massey, John Carradine, Jerome Cowan.


Synopsis: Manikoora is an island located in the South Seas which has always been hit by typhoons, although it hasn’t been hit by any for years. It is a French colony whose governor exercises the power on the margins of the traditions and customs of the natives. According to a local legend, when tyranny surpasses certain limits, birds abandon the island and the sea roars with rage.


All screenings will be in original version with subtitles with a presentation and a discussion


Free entry, limited seating capacity


Huracán sobre la isla (Hurricane)