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Institut Interuniversitari López Piñero. Palau de Cerveró


Col·lecció cientificomèdica permanent en el Palau Cerveró


Dibuix de S. Ramón y Cajal


Biblioteca Historicomèdica "Vicent Peset Llorca"


Teachers of the Faculty of Medicine (1922)


Calligraphy of diseases


  • December 29th, 2020
Juan de la Cierva 2020-21

The research group "History of Science, Technology and Medicine" of the University of Valencia, now part of the Interuniversity Institute for Science Studies (UJI-UMH-UV) is now accepting candidates for postdoctoral positions “Juan de la Cierva” funded by the Spanish government. The main features are available at the website:



More information:


The Juan de la Cierva Incorporación grants aim to encourage the recruitment of young doctors for a period of three years in order to strengthen the skills acquired during a first stage of postdoctoral training by Spanish research organizations or R&D centres. The Juan de la Cierva-Training grants aim to encourage the recruitment of young doctors for a period of two years in order to complete their postdoctoral research training in Spanish R&D centres other than those in which they completed their pre-doctoral education.

The contracts are aimed at researchers who have recently completed a doctoral program in history of science, technology and medicine (HSTM) and related fields. We invite applications from candidates wishing to work in all the major areas of interest covered by the HSTM group. The particular research interests of individual staff are outlined on the website:

Candidates interested in applying for the fellowships have to access to the mentioned websites. They Have to send also the following documents to

  (bertomeu@uv.esm.carmen.ricos@uv.esbefore January 6, 2021:

1. Full CV.

2. Research project to be developed (500-1000 words).

The HSTM group of the López Piñero interuniversity institute will select the proposals according to its CV and the research program in connection with the topics of history of science, technology and medicine. The selected candidates have to submit at the same email address ( the following documents which are necessary to fulfil the application:

1. Pdf document that is obtained once the electronic application form (available on the MICIU website) has been completed.

2. Scanned copy of the DNI, NIE or Passport and scanned Ph.D. certificate.

 Please circulate this information among potentially interested people