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Institut Interuniversitari López Piñero. Palau de Cerveró


Col·lecció cientificomèdica permanent en el Palau Cerveró


Dibuix de S. Ramón y Cajal


Biblioteca Historicomèdica "Vicent Peset Llorca"


Teachers of the Faculty of Medicine (1922)


Calligraphy of diseases

Random Harvest

Mervyn LeRoy, USA, 1942

Film Series «Memoria y felicidad, ¿aliadas o enemigas?»

Random Harvest

Presented by a member of the Cinema Club (Universitat de València).


The film tells the story of an officer who fought during the First World War and he ends in a psychiatric hospital after being found under a complete state of amnesia. After fleeing of this place, he is helped by the singer and dancer Paula, a beautiful and generous woman who does everything for helping him. But when they have settled their lives, Smithy goes to the newspaper office El Mercurio, where he expects to receive a permanent job but a new accident will make him recover his old memory, but he entirely forgets what he has lived in the last three years, even Paula.

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