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Practical course on the Kanban Method and its application through the kanbanize tool

  • July 1st, 2019
Image de la noticia

Next Friday 12th July, the University of Valencia Science Park will host the training day "Basic concepts of the Kanban method and how to apply them through the Kanbanize tool".

IRTIC, together with Mobiliza Academy and Berriprocess are organising a free practical course aimed at companies that want to learn about the kanban method to achieve agile management of projects and services. The workshop is aimed at companies from all sectors that want to learn about the Kanban method and its practical application with kanbanize as a tool for agile management of projects and services. 

What is the kanban method
The Kanban method enables organisations to visualise and better understand their work and management practices. It is an information system that harmoniously controls the production of products in terms of quantity and time. Kanban is a Japanese word meaning board or panel, a key element of this production method. 
This system arose with the aim of improving production by dividing the process into defined phases. Until one phase was completely finished, it did not move on to the next, thus guaranteeing a quality end product. The conference proposes a practical approach to this method. Together with top-level speakers such as Sergey Erofeev, an expert in the integration of systems that automate the flow of work.

The conference is completely free of charge and will take place at the Robotics Institute of the University of Valencia, located in the Paterna Science Park. In order to attend it is necessary to register in advance at the following link.

9:00- 9:15. Reception and accreditation of attendees
9:15-9:30. Opening of the conference. Mr. Juan José Martinez Durá, Director of the IRTIC
09:30-11:00. Kanban Concepts. Speaker: Sergey Erofeev
The Kanban method teaches organisations to visualise and better understand their work and their current management practices. It also teaches pragmatic ways of how to continuously improve and satisfy their customers in a sustainable way.
• Kanban Method: 6 general practices
• Board and card management at personal and team level
• We will show examples from our experience
Speaker: Sergey Erofeev

11:00-11:30. Networking break with coffee
11:30-13:30. Case study Kanbanize tool. Speaker: Sergey Erofeev.
• How to apply the Kanban method with Kanbanize
• An introduction to the most important functionalities of Kanbanize (dashboard, analytics, integrations with email, Excel and other tools, etc.).
• We will show real examples in the industrial sector
14:00-14:15. Closure. Mr. Juan José Martinez Durá, Director of the IRTIC