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IRTIC supports ADEIT in the improvement of its procedures regarding user information security and adaptation to the ENS

  • April 11th, 2022
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The Institute on Robotics and Information and Communication Technologies (IRTIC) has supported the Fundació Universitat-Empresa ADEIT along with the company GESEIN in the review and improvement of its information security procedures in accordance with the National Security Scheme (ENS) during the period 2020-2021. After an internal audit, ADEIT has obtained the declaration of conformity of basic category and the actions will continue in this sense to obtain the certification of conformity of medium category in 2022.

The ENS is a set of certifiable security controls that aim to check the security conditions of its systems and the procedures with which an entity treats the information at its disposal. These requirements are mandatory for all public administration, according to Royal Decree 3/2010, which regulates the ENS.

In this way, the IRTIC has monitored the data management that ADEIT carries out and has provided the foundation with tools and procedures to continue facilitating the exercise of rights and protecting the information of its users.

The action is part of the IT security, data protection and privacy activities developed by the Institute, both in research projects and in organizations. More information here.


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Fundació Universitat-Empresa ADEIT