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Supporting the cross-border use of Road Traffic Data with Linked Open Data based on DATEX II

  • May 31st, 2019
Image de la noticia

The Institute on Robotics and Information and Communications Technologies, IRTIC, of the University of València, is leading a project whose objective is to ensure that traffic data related to road safety are distributed in open, interoperable and reusable.

The project, funded by the European Commission through the Connecting Europe Facility tool, will enable road information data to be linked to other types of data that can also influence road safety, too, such as weather forecast.

In this way, the system will make it possible to perform what is known as "federated queries", that is, searches capable of processing different types of information sources. This will allow traffic data to be interoperable with other data that may be relevant through Linked Open Data (LOD).

Objectives of the project

The LOD-RoadTran18 Project aims to achieve the reuse of dynamic traffic data in two states (Spain and the Czech Republic), allowing them to be traceable, interoperable, accessible and reusable through the European data portal.

The ultimate goal of the project is to extend and improve the called NAP. NAP are the National Access Points. NAPs were created on the basis of ITS Directive 2010/40/EU, which set out the necessary specifications that each country had to follow to ensure compatibility, interoperability and use of data. To this end, among other things, the obligation to create a NAP was established.

Currently the DGT has an NAP which, however, does not allow data interoperability. That is, it does not allow this information to interact with other data sources. Therefore, the LOD-RoadTran18 project will propose an improvement that allows the combination of data sources free of charge.

Thus, the usefulness of LOD (Linked Open Data) data lies in that it allows not only the inclusion of open data, but also the incorporation of different types of data, which allows so-called "federated queries".

This project is part of the European Commission’s strategy to promote the reuse of information, making it easier to use and ensuring its availability.

Project phases

The project will last three years. Therefore, in the first phase, the research team of the Integrated Laboratory of Intelligent Systems and Technologies of Traffic Information, LISSIT will conduct extensive research to determine the optimal way to develop this system ensuring that the data interoperability is feasible, as well as its legal framework.

The second phase of the project will develop the technical aspects and the implementation of the system and its final evaluation.

An international consortium

The participants of the project are Dirección General de Tráfico (Spain), IRTIC-Universitat de València (Spain), Desidedatum Data Company, S.L. (Spain), RBS (Spain), Esam Tecnología, S.L. (Spain), Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), Leading Management Technology S.L. (Spain), TamTam Research (Czech Republic), and Czech Technical University (Czech Republic).

Project Manager. J. Javier Samper

Integrated Laboratory of Intelligent Systems and Technologies of Traffic Information Group.

Project duration. 36 months

Official website of the project 

The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of IRTIC (UV) and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.