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System for registration of persons, activities and monitoring

The purpose of this agreement is the implementation by LISITT of the system for the registration of persons, activities and monitoring in the centres of the Fundación Amigó signed by the Fundación Luis Amigó.

  Entity: Fundación Luis Amigó Start: 16/12/2020 Conclusion: 15/01/2022  


Technical support service

The purpose of this agreement is the performance by LISITT of the technical support service for the segregation of documents with settlement data.

  Entity: National Dosimetry Centre Start: 01/12/2020 Conclusion: 31/12/2021  


Training course

The purpose of this agreement is the implementation by LISITT of the training course for research technicians and data analytics on compliance with data protection regulations.

  Entity: Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria      La Fe IISLaFe Start: 28/11/2020 Conclusion: 17/12/2021  


DEDICA-i: Automatised creation of justifications and complete registration of projects and researchers

The purpose of this agreement is the automated creation of justifications and complete registration of projects and researchers.

  Entity: University of Valencia Start: 24/11/2020 Conclusion: 24/03/2021  


Taxi sector regulation survey

The purpose of this agreement is for LISTT to carry out a survey on the regulation of the taxi sector in Madrid.

  Entity: Federación Profesional del Taxi de Madrid Start: 05/11/2020 Conclusion: 04/12/2021  


Implementation of the registration management system project for the Confucius Institute

The purpose of this agreement is the implementation of the enrolment management system project for the Confucius Institute.

  Entity: Confucius Institute of the University    of Valencia Start: 02/11/2020 Conclusion: 02/04/2021  


Performing of the privacy impact assessment report

The purpose of this agreement is to carry out the privacy impact assessment report for SALUMEDIA LABS, S.L.U.

  Entity: SALUMEDIA LABS, S.L.U. Start: 25/10/2020 Conclusion: 30/05/2021  


CHAIMELEON – Accelerating the lab to market transition of AI tools for cancer management

The purpose of this agreement is the development of the project  CHAIMELEON – Accelerating the lab to market transition of AI tools for cancer management.            

  Programme: European Union H2020 Start: 01/09/2020 Conclusion: 31/08/2024  


Technical consultancy

The purpose of this agreement is the technical consultancy for the implementation of smartcities projects for the Benaguacil Town Council.

  Entity: Benaguacil Town Council Start: 01/07/2020 Conclusion: 31/12/2020  


Implementation of the GDPR and the recruitment of the figure of the DPO

The purpose of this agreement is the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the recruitment of the figure of the DPO.

  Entity: University of Valladolid Start: 01/06/2020 Conclusion: 31/12/2020  


Modification of the ADEIT web portal

The purpose of this agreement is the modification of the web portal for the Fundació Universitat Empresa - ADEIT.

  Entity: Fundació Universitat Empresa – ADEIT Start: 21/04/2020 Conclusion: 05/06/2020  


Design and creation of an IT tool

The purpose of this agreement is the design and creation of an IT tool for the preparation of the impact assessment in the field of data protection.

  Entity: Catalan Data Protection Authority Start: 15/04/2020 Conclusion: 30/10/2020  


Project evaluation studies

The purpose of this agreement is for LISITT to carry out project evaluation studies for MedTIS3.

  Entity: AUTOPISTAS CATALANAS    (AUCAT) Start: 01/04/2020 Conclusion: 01/12/2020  


Functional specification and requirements analysis

The purpose of this agreement is the performance by LISITT of the functional specification and requirements analysis of the CREHIDA research project.

  Entity: National Dosimetry Centre Start: 16/03/2020 Conclusion: 31/12/2020  


Consultancy service

The purpose of this agreement is the performance by LISITT of the consultancy service for the implementation of the RGPD and the performance of DPO functions.

  Entity: University of Burgos Start: 13/03/2020 Conclusion: 13/03/2021  


Technical support for applications

The purpose of this agreement is the performance by LISITT of the technical support of applications of the IT Service of the UV for 2019-20.

  Entity: IT Service of the University of València Start: 2020 Conclusion: 2020  


Consultancy services, preparation and implementation of a plan to adapt to the National Security Scheme

The purpose of this agreement is for LISITT to provide consultancy services, preparation and implementation of a plan to adapt to the National Security Scheme for the Fundación ADEIT.

  Entity: GESEIN, S.L. Start: 21/02/2020 Conclusion: 21/02/2022  


Technical assistance to traffic management

The purpose of this agreement is for LISITT to provide technical assistance to traffic management in the European projects "Arco Atlántico" and "EUEIP".

  Entity: Basque Government Start: 17/02/2020 Conclusion: 31/12/2020  


Consultancy, auditing and system suitability

The purpose of this agreement is the consultancy for the performance of a data protection impact assessment of the BIGDATA platform, a security audit of the platform and the anonymisation system and the adaptation of the systems to the National Security Scheme.

  Entity: Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria      La Fe IISLaFe Start: 27/01/2020 Conclusion: 27/05/2020  


Development and evolutionary maintenance of the SIGRID application

The purpose of this agreement is the performance by LISITT of the extension of the development and evolutionary maintenance of the SIGRID application.

  Entity: Spanish Data Protection Agency Start: 01/01/2020 Conclusion: 31/12/2020