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Agreement between the Universitat de Valencia and Vodafone Spain Foundation for paying attention to the Infoaccesibiility

The Agreement aims at regulating the collaboration of the VODAFONE SPAIN FOUNDATION and the UNIVERSITAT DE VALÈNCIA for the sponsorship by the VODAFONE SPAIN FOUNDATION of those actions related to accesibility in new technologies for UV disabled students, seeking to improve their wellfare and social inclusion.

The strategic objectives of this collaboration are fundamented on the following pillars:

  • Dissemination, which will be made a reality in the carrying out of conferences and seminars organised by the UV with the coollaboration of the Vodaffore Spain Foundation available to the public in general and to groups at risk of social exclusion in particular, as well as students and professors.
  • The activities related to the Training are:
    • Training of professionals and specialists in new tecnologies and ICT services.
    • Develloping training courses and teh creation of didactic material for users, in general, and disabled people, in particular.
  • The Research and Development in new technologies and services will follow the research lines relevant for the VODAFONE SPAIN FOUNDATION and the UNOVERSITAT DE VALÈNCIA. The types of actions defined above are:
    • The VODAFONE SPAIN FOUNDATION will provide to the UV with the necesary tools to make sure taht disabled students can test the ulitity tehereof.
    • UV students enrolled in Degree or Master’s Degree official studies, may carry out final works banking on the technical support of the VODAFONE SPAIN FOUNDATION and under the authorisation of the UV teaching staff.
  • The VODAFONE SPAIN FOUNDATION has a relevant social work in the promotion of Accessibility and Social Inclusion. The parties undertake to create a permanent linkage of the VODAFONE SPAIN FOUNDATION with the Unit for the Integration of UV Disabled People to favour both their integration through new technologies and the access to them.