Universitat de ValènciaDepartment of Astronomy and Astrophysics Logo del portal


Departments News

David Vallés Pérez PhD Thesis defense

PhD Tesis defense On the 26th of September, at 10:30 , in the classroom of the mathematics faculty, Burjassot, will take place the PhD thesis defense of David Vallés Pérez, that has been supervised by Susana Planelles Mira and Vicent Quilis Quilis.

Raquel Forés Toribio PhD Thesis defense

PhD Tesis defense On the 10th of September, at 10:30 , in the classroom of the mathematics faculty, Burjassot, will take place the PhD thesis defense of Raquel Forés Toribio, that has been supervised by José Antonio Muñoz Lozano.

Ajudes Iniciació a la Investigació DAA 24-25

CONVOCATÒRIA AJUDES: La vicerectora d'Estudis de la Universitat de València fa pública la convocatòria d'AJUDES per a la iniciació a la investigació en astronomia i astrofísica per a l'alumnat de l'últim curs dels graus de Física o Matemàtiques i per a l'alumnat del Màster en Física Avançada,...

Petros Stefanou PhD Thesis defense

PhD Tesis defense On the 3rd of July, at 12:00 , in the seminar of the department Astronomia i Astrofísica, Burjassot, will take place the PhD thesis defense of Petros Stefanou, that has been supervised by José Pons and Pablo Cerdá.




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