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Course. Registration period open. Students of llicenciatura or diplomatura (former Spanish undergraduate degrees) and engineering can validate it for two free elective credits.


The course aims at deepening on social discrimination, its roots, manifestations and consequences. Through several movies, we analyse and reflect on social, personal and professional solutions which we can adopt to fight for an inclusive society. The following movies will be projected: “¿Quién sostiene la mitad del cielo?”, “Por tu piel y tu credo”, “Historias de guerra exclusión” and “Desheredados de la tierra”.

20 hours/ 2 free elective credits Price: €50 for the university community / €70 general public

Professor: Manuel López Torrijo (Department Comparative Education and History of Education)

Days: 11 and 12 July, from 9:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 21:00.

The self-enrolment process for the courses is made through portal de l’alumne of the UV


ScheduleFrom 10 june 2016 to 10 july 2016. Every day at 00:00 to 23:00.


Aula Seminari 308 - Facultat de Filosofia i CC. de l’Educació - Blasco Ibáñez.

Organized by

Servei d'Extensió Universitària.



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