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  • Conduct basic research in vision to obtain detailed information about the structure and function of the visual system through psychophysical experiments and modeling of visual processes.
  • Develop psychophysical tests for the detection, grading, or classification of visual problems, evaluating existing devices and analyzing their reliability, sensitivity, and specificity in both normal and pathological populations, including individuals with psychological disorders such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), etc., as well as individuals affected by neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, among others. Additionally, we will study factors affecting the distortion of measurements and the agreement between devices, as well as the design and validation of new diagnostic tests.
  • Apply technologies from vision sciences for the characterization of image capture and visualization devices, developing specific methods for colorimetric characterization and using image visualization devices as generators of visual stimuli in clinical psychophysics tests. Furthermore, we will explore the applications of image capture devices as colorimeters and in other areas such as green chemistry. We will also focus on the characterization of optical elements and the development of in vitro optical quality measurement protocols, as well as the measurement of optical and visual quality of intraocular lenses.
  • Develop clinical applications to improve visual function in patients, especially in the case of amblyopia, with the aim of determining which stimuli would promote alignment with the dominant eye and, therefore, improve the patient's overall vision.