09:30 - 14:00
The Inter-University Chair for New Green Transition organises these conferences together with the Faculty of Economics, the Department of Applied...
Travel grants for volunteering in cooperation projects: deadline open
From 24th June to 10th October 2022, the call for applications for travel grants for volunteer activities in cooperation projects in open. It is...
Open enrolment for the Services of General Interest in the EU framework course
Professor of Administrative Law María Jesús García García, director of the Jean Monnet Chair ‘Services of...
Enrolment open for the Citizens’ Participation in EU democracy course
Professor of Administrative Law María Jesús García García, director of the Jean Monnet Module Citizens integration...
The Universitat de València organises, through UVOcupació (UVJob), the Employment Forum that, in the 2022-2023 academic year, will...
The union elections for 2022 will take place until 1st December. On 5th September, the election notice was received from several...